August 28th Licking and Knox Counties (11 am- 3pm)
Beginning at 6817 Cat Run Rd., Granville, OH 43023
$10 registration fee per location.* $5 discount if the person registering is an OFGC Member or a resident of the host county.
Please contact Gary Wilson- 419-348-3500 with any questions.
Scan the QR Code or visit to register.
Our August 28th tour will begin at Lightning Ridge Farm in Granville where Bill O’Neill raises Longhorn cattle utilizing intensive grazing. With twelve divided lots and the capability to increase divisions into 24 paddocks, cattle are moved daily and have access to portable piped water. We will also discuss the value of hay quality preservation while touring a new hoop barn constructed for hay storage. The second stop in the tour will move six miles north to a field managed by Ned Campbell who has provided space to plant twelve varieties of forages following wheat harvest. Attendees will be able to observe and discuss the value of these forages for grazing or harvesting. For the final stop, we will move further north into Knox county to learn about the use of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) approved warm-season grass production. Contact OSU Extension in Licking County- 740-670-5315 or Knox County- 740-397-0401 with questions.