Students entering 2019 or later:
Elsevier HESI Assessment
Elsevier HESI Assessment and your school have partnered to bring you the best, most reliable testing products available. The NCLEX-RN is the licensure exam each student must pass to become licensed in the United States as an RN and the NCLEX Preparation Package assists students throughout the entire nursing program to prepare for NCLEX-RN.
Prior to starting the nursing program, a payment will be paid directly to the company and they will provide technical support. The NCLEX Preparation Package offers multiple learning and remediation tools, including reading materials, case studies, videos, practice assessments, and skills-based resources. The NCLEX Preparation Package provides an academic measuring tool to identify areas for early intervention.
In the final semester of study, students are required to take an exit exam to measure NCLEX preparedness. Students must achieve a benchmark score pre-determined by faculty on the final diagnostic test. Students who do not achieve the benchmark score must demonstrate that they have completed remediation before repeated exit exam. If the benchmark score is not achieved after the second exam, the student will meet with the College of Nursing Supervisor for Student Success for further recommendations.
At the end of the nursing program, students will have an NCLEX live Review. The NCLEX live review information is provided to students in the last year of the nursing program. The NCLEX live review is individualized to the student needs for NCLEX-RN preparation and used in conjunction with remediation to help the student strengthen individual areas.
Students entering 2018 or prior:
Students in the pre-licensure nursing program are required to purchase the ATI Nursing Education Comprehensive Assessment and Review Program (CARP) and Virtual ATI NCLEX Review. The fee is paid directly to ATI before the start of the first year in the Nursing major. CARP is a focused remediation resource that students will use throughout the program. The content ties directly back to the NCLEX. This program offers multiple remediation tools, including traditional and online reading materials, videos, practice assessments, and internet sources. Students will also receive help from an ATI support team. CARP is an academic measuring tool and a time saver because it identifies potential problems for early intervention. It also saves time for the student by offering smart, individual remediation only where needed.
Virtual-ATI NCLEX Review is an innovative, online partnership that prepares nursing graduates for NCLEX success. The review directly aligns with the current NCLEX test plan. Through collaboration with a virtual coach, students are engaged in a personalized, assessment-driven NCLEX review in an online classroom that provides students access to a variety of on-demand resources. Students receive feedback and encouragement from their own personal online coach. A calendar is provided to guide students’ daily review. The review is individualized as the student progresses, so special focus is given to topic areas that need more attention.