Gypsy Moth Spraying in Ohio

Very sorry about the short notice on this.  I just learned a few days ago.  It may interest some of you.   Complete links and maps at the bottom of the post.  Here are the open house dates in Hocking and nearby.

2016 Gypsy Moth Treatment Project – Open Houses

February 3, 2016


OSU Extension Office – Hocking County

150 North Homer Avenue

Logan, OH

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm


Lake Hope State Park Lodge

27331 State Route 278

McArthur, OH

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

February 4, 2016


ODNR Wildlife Office

360 East State Street

Athens, OH

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

ODA gypsy moth home page

Aerial Spray Map of Ohio

OCVN Advanced Training – Winter Tree Identification

A little less than a week left to sign up for the OCVN Advanced Training this Saturday, January 30th at Boch Hollow State Nature Preserve.

We will be doing winter tree identification using twigs sourced from the preserve by various morphology characteristics.

As of this morning only 6 spots were left so don’t dawdle!


OCVN Advanced Training

Greetings.  Here is an opportunity for OCVN continuing education


PROGRAM: Saturday, January 30, 10 – 2, Boch Hollow State Nature Preserve, “Advanced Training in Winter Tree Identification,” Collect and examine specimens and use key to identify. Bring a sack lunch. Space is limited so RSVP to Scott Cole at

Jim Osborn and others will provide the training.

Season extension for winter vegetables

One of the things about Ohio that makes it challenging to grow vegetables is the cold weather season.   Tomatoes, sugar snap peas and green beans come at you in bunches and then they are gone to be daydreamed about in winter.

There are however a few things you can do, and a few things you can grow if you use some tips and tricks of the trade.  I shot this video on January 4th in a light snow, about 20 degrees outside.

row cover video


Want to learn how to do this in your yard?  It is super easy and inexpensive.  I will be holding monthly backyard gardening classes in Hocking County starting in April. Watch this site for further information on the “Seed To Storage” program here at OSU Extension

Eastern Agricultural Research Station

A little bit about my job here.   Hocking County is part of the Extension region called the Buckeye Hills.  It stretches towards the Ohio River, then down towards Marietta then sort of follows the Hocking River back up here to Logan.

This group of counties has in the middle of it an Ohio State research station called EARS.  It was originally established in 1965 with the purchase of 728 acres near Belle Valley, in Noble County.  Over the years many more acres were added, the majority being reclaimed strip mining land to have over 2000 acres of land, predominantly pasture.  It is used as a research station to study nutrition, forages, animal welfare and safe handling predominantly of Ohio’s beef and sheep industry.

It is basically a huge, magnificent farm.

I go out periodically for meetings, updates, and educational seminars and hope to one day start my own research projects to better serve county residents.   I brought you all back some pictures to enjoy.

Green Farm update

The Greens have been busy working on their hop farm.  Hops need to grow vertically, ten feet or more so Nick and his Dad had to come up with a way to trellis 3 acres of hops.  Their ingenuity and hard work amaze me.   They made their own tool to attach to their tractor to help them set poles into the ground.

Is that slick or what!   Knowing Nick and Greg and seeing their determination I have complete confidence in their success.

Do you have a project you want assistance or information on?  Contact me at Extension.    We might even be able to help you find FUNDING


*pictures reproduced by permission of Nick Green

900 Apple Varieties

Derek Mills is a pretty interesting guy.   Grower, naturalist, small business owner are among a few of the hats he wears at any given time.  He invited me to his place to show me what he is growing and so we could discuss some programs we want to partner on starting in 2016.   On his orchard in Hocking County he is growing heirloom apple varieties with a focus on the red fleshed type.  He made my jaw drop to the floor when he mentioned he currently is growing about 900 different varieties of apples.

I cannot really wrap my head around that.  Johnny Appleseed has nothing on him.


Mills 1

Look for Derek to partner with Extension on programs related to pruning and grafting next year.

Mills 2To learn more about red-fleshed apples check out his website HERE







I am looking forward to learning from Derek about grafting.  I have always wanted to have a tree that grows several different varieties all at once in my yard.  Watch the blog in spring to find out when we will hold the workshop.  Look to purchase some apples from Derek at next years Farmer’s Market at the Hocking Hills Dining Lodge.