Here is the link to all the wonderful Extension publications. Feel free to look around for information on about any topic you can think of.
NEW FARMER LINKS AND INFORMATION: One of my most common topics in Hocking is information to help new farmers get started. I will update as I find new good information.
- Beginning – Planning Page
- AgPlan – planning app
- USDA New Farmers Website
- USDA National Agricultural Statistics
- USDA Beginning Farmers and Ranchers Loans
One of my favorite and a must read for Beef Information is the OSU Beef Cattle Newsletter. A ton of timely and topical information from Stan Smith, OSU Extension, Fairfield Co.
(Ohioline is undergoing updating right now. If you do not find a publication that you remember or need to access that used to be on the list, let me know and I will forward your query to the editors to put it near the front of the line)
- Call Before You Cut – Great resource to help with the timbering process
- SE Ohio Woods – Extension page from our state specialist Dave Apsley with great links.
ODNR – Ohio Pond Management Handbook – free outstanding resource, available as PDF to print
OSU School of Environment and Natural Resources Pond Page
USDA Ponds: Planning and Design – outstanding free large PDF resource
I am also a Team Member for the POULTRY TEAM at Ohio State. This is a collaboration with State Extension Vets, Educators in AG and 4-H, as well as backyard enthusiasts to provide knowledge that all groups can use. Contact me with questions regarding this or if you want to be a part.
In Extension, we have divided up the State of Ohio into Education Research Areas. I am a member of the Buckeye Hills EERA. It stretches from I70 East, south to about the Hocking River and then extends in a triangle towards the Ohio river. We have a BLOG THERE TOO.
2017 Ohio Sustainable Farm and Workshop Tour – many are FREE and have every topic you need to learn about.
Midwest Vegetable Production Guide —-> CLICK HERE FOR FREE PDF (This is the new 2017 guide!)
Midwest Home Fruit Production Guide —-> CLICK HERE FOR FREE PDF
NEW FOR 2017 Fruit Factsheets for home growers:
OSU Extension FREE guide to vegetable grafting (NEW! FOR 2017, requires submit for download)
ATTRA is the National Substainable Agricultural Assistance Program. Their publication list has literally hundreds of links to free PDF’s as well a some for a small fee on every topic you can imagine in Agriculture including but not limited to horticulture, small farms, herbs, flowers, fruit, vegetables, animals, etc. You get the idea ———> CLICK HERE FOR PUBLICATION LIST
Do you want to start a Food Plot for wildlife here in Hocking County? I am helping county residents work on doing that and would love to help you. Contact me to talk about it. In the meantime here is a large PDF on Food Plots from Univ of Tennessee —-> FOOD PLOTS
Midwest Vegetable Trial Reports ——> CLICK HERE FOR FREE PDF
Ohio Perennial and Biennial Weed Guide ——> CLICK HERE FOR LINK TO LIST
Protecting Pollinators in the Landscape ——> LINK TO THE PDF
Identifying Noxious Weeds in Ohio ——>Links for App Download
Pond Management —–> Free 20 page PDF from Purdue Extension
Best Pests/Diseases for Vegetables/Fruits/Trees/Flowers I have seen. HUGE RESOURCE –> West Virginia U Extension Publication
Washington State U Extension Beneficial Insects —–>Beneficial Insects PDF
Ohio State Weed Management Website
Minnesota Extension has a great website on diagnosing plant/tree/flower/etc ——> CLICK FOR LINK
Excellent OSU website to diagnose problems in ears of corn
Weed Control in Pastures presentation – good pictures with references and control information