Sorghum X Sudangrass Cover Crop Update

The Sorghum X Sudangrass cover crop that I planted back in early June has gotten tall enough to need mowed.  This forage plant when mowed either by me or by cattle doubles down by growing even more determined to flourish.  It will tiller aggressively and dig down deeper through the hard pan to reach nutrients.  That was among the reasons I planted it: weed suppression, sub-soiling and serious organic matter production.

Here is early June with spotty germination caused by user error:

BMR sorghum x sudangrass

BMR sorghum x sudangrass


Now here is what it looked like yesterday:


It was about six or seven feet tall.  I needed to cut it to about 12-18″ tall to preserve the growing part of the grass and not kill it, but instead to stimulate it to grow more.  I put a metal blade on a gas powered weed eater and went to work.  Let me tell you it is not very high on my list of fun garden chores.  But here you go:


It looks like a total mess right now.  I do not know if I should remove the stalks to compost in a different place or leave them be to contribute in the spot.  I will keep an eye on the grass to make sure that it does not get smothered.  All in all I am pleased as punch on how it grew.  It went from being seeded early June,  not watered at all except the first week or two to help germination(we are way down in rain here) and was also not fertilized at all and still got nearly 7 feet tall by August 1st.

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