Eastern Agricultural Research Station

A little bit about my job here.   Hocking County is part of the Extension region called the Buckeye Hills.  It stretches towards the Ohio River, then down towards Marietta then sort of follows the Hocking River back up here to Logan.

This group of counties has in the middle of it an Ohio State research station called EARS.  It was originally established in 1965 with the purchase of 728 acres near Belle Valley, in Noble County.  Over the years many more acres were added, the majority being reclaimed strip mining land to have over 2000 acres of land, predominantly pasture.  It is used as a research station to study nutrition, forages, animal welfare and safe handling predominantly of Ohio’s beef and sheep industry.

It is basically a huge, magnificent farm.

I go out periodically for meetings, updates, and educational seminars and hope to one day start my own research projects to better serve county residents.   I brought you all back some pictures to enjoy.

Green Farm update

The Greens have been busy working on their hop farm.  Hops need to grow vertically, ten feet or more so Nick and his Dad had to come up with a way to trellis 3 acres of hops.  Their ingenuity and hard work amaze me.   They made their own tool to attach to their tractor to help them set poles into the ground.

Is that slick or what!   Knowing Nick and Greg and seeing their determination I have complete confidence in their success.

Do you have a project you want assistance or information on?  Contact me at Extension.    We might even be able to help you find FUNDING


*pictures reproduced by permission of Nick Green