Managing your Woodland

We’ve been busy over the past couple of weeks designing a program specifically to help woodland owners take care of their woodlands, and with the bustle of the Independence Day holiday approaching we felt like it would be a good idea to remind you that we’ve extended the deadline to July 9 for our July 12 A DAY in the WOODS program-Woodland Stewardship Opportunities.

We understand that Ohioans own woodlands for a variety of reasons ranging from solitude and birdwatching to the hunting and income opportunities. We also appreciate the fact that the resources (Time, Energy and Money) that you need to make progress on your goals are limited, but don’t forget that we’re here to help!  Join us on July 12 to meet foresters, wildlife biologists and other natural resources professionals from ODNR-Division of Forestry, OSU Extension, the Natural Resources Conservation Service,  local Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and the National Wild Turkey Federation who can help you understand your options and access to the many resources that are available to you.

For more details about this program please visit:

We look forward to seeing you on July 12.  Have a happy and safe Independence Day Holiday

David Apsley
Natural Resources Specialist
College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Ohio State University Extension
17 Standpipe Road, Jackson, OH 45640
740-710-3009 Mobile



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