Rainfall in Licking County

Portions of Licking County are suffering from drought conditions more severe than those seen in 2012 or 1988.  This link will take you to a good article on drought that was published yesterday in our county.  Click Here

For rainfall data around our county from April through July click here. rainfall 2024 summary (002) 

You can see that there is a range from 6.2 inches to 13.7 inches during May-July.  Parts of the county are 7 inches below normal during that 3 month timeframe while parts are above average.

Farm Science Review 2024

Tickets available locally at presale discount price of $10:

OSU Extension Office – Newark

Farm Credit Mid-America – Utica

Granville Milling – All locations

H.W. Martin and Son – Hebron

Heritage Cooperative – Nashport

Legend Farm and Feed Supply – Newark

Utica Feed and Hardware

tickets also available online at: https://fsr.osu.edu/home


Single day tickets are $10.00 in advance from participating Ohio agribusinesses and county offices of Ohio State University Extension.

Single day tickets at the gate are $15.00 at the gate.

Children 5 and under are admitted free.

Continue reading Farm Science Review 2024

All About Goats! Fall Webinar

The Ohio State University Extension Small Ruminants Team is hosting a 6-part All About Goats! Fall Webinar series. This webinar series is going to answer producers burning questions concerning their own herd and help new producers start their herds. Whether you are thinking about or currently raising Dairy or Meat goats- this webinar is for you! All youth livestock exhibitors are encouraged to attend. Registration is required and can be completed by visiting go.osu.edu/allaboutgoatsfall 

For session descriptions click here: All About Goats-2

Life Insurance in Farm Transition Planning

By:Robert Moore, Wednesday, August 21st, 2024
Legal Groundwork

Farmers often face the challenge of being “land rich, cash poor.” While they may have significant wealth tied up in land and other assets, they can lack sufficient cash to cover expenses, taxes, or distributions when planning for the farm’s transition to the next generation. This “land rich, cash poor” dilemma can complicate farm transition and succession planning, creating potential obstacles for a smooth handover of the farm.

Life insurance can provide a solution to this problem by introducing liquidity into an estate or trust, which can be used to cover expenses, taxes, and distributions to heirs. By incorporating life insurance into a farm transition plan, legal complexities and costs can be reduced, and the transition process can be streamlined. However, life insurance, like any estate planning tool, may be appropriate in some situations but not in others. This bulletin aims to explain different types of life insurance and how they can be used effectively in farm transition planning. Given the complexities of life insurance policies, it is essential to work with insurance and legal professionals to ensure that life insurance is appropriately included in your plan. Continue reading Life Insurance in Farm Transition Planning

Hanover Township Water Project – Arsenic concerns

Ohio State and the Ohio Water Resource Center is conducting a study in the Hanover Township area to look at arsenic contamination in well water sources and potential treatment of those sources.   This is a grant funded project and there is no expense to participate and no items being sold to you.  For more details on how you can participate and receive water testing if you qualify,  please click on this link. Flier for well-water study