Fence Construction Clinic

Looking at a fence construction project?  Thinking about doing it yourself or have questions on what type of fence will suit your needs?

Join us to review materials, methods, cost-shares, and laws.

Thursday May 9, 2024  6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.

Licking Valley High School Farm

100 Hainsview Rd. Newark, OH 43055

Reserve your spot by calling 740-670-5315

Click here for flyer with more details 2024 Fencing Basics

2024 Second Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio

Authors: Amanda Bennett, Eric Richer, Clint Schroeder, OSU Extension

Click here to access a PDF version of this article

Results from a quarterly survey of retail fertilizer prices in the state of Ohio revealed fertilizer prices were slightly lower than national averages reported by Progressive Farmer – DTN (Quinn, 2024). The survey was completed by 32 retailers, representing 19 counties, who do business in the state of Ohio. Respondents were asked to quote spot prices as of the first day of the quarter (April 1st) based on sale type indicated. This is part of a larger study conducted by OSU Extension to better understand local fertilizer prices, which began in December 2023.

In summary, survey participants reported the average price of all fertilizers was lower in Ohio compared to the national prices, except for DAP (18-46-0) at $785/ton in Ohio versus $780/ton nationally, (Quinn, 2024).

The chart below (Table 1.) is the summary of the survey responses. The responses (n) are the number of survey responses for each product. The minimum and maximum values reflect the minimum and maximum values reported in the survey. The average is the simple average of all survey responses for each product rounded to the nearest dollar. We recognize that many factors influence a company’s spot price for fertilizer including but not limited to availability, geography, volume, cost of freight, competition, regulation, etc.

Table 1. Second Quarter 2024 Ohio Fertilizer Prices



Product Responses (n) Sale Type Min






Anhydrous ammonia 82-0-0 15 FOB Plant $707 $870 $785
UAN 28-0-0 19 Direct to Farm $309 $600 $348
Urea 46-0-0 17 FOB Plant $522 $680 $561
MAP 11-52-0 19 FOB Plant $745 $1079 $795
DAP18-46-0 9 FOB Plant $760 $830 $785
APP 10-34-0 20 Direct to Farm $553 $680 $602
Potash 0-0-60 20 FOB Plant $432 $512 $472
Ammonium Sulfate 21-0-0-24 18 FOB Plant $430 $585 $479
Ammonium Thio-Sulfate 12-0-0-26 13 FOB Plant $325 $448 $385
Poultry Litter 9 Delivered & applied, <25 miles $45 $72 $55

When compared to results from the previous quarter’s survey, prices for fertilizers saw a modest increase, with only anhydrous ammonia, MAP and potash showing a slight decrease. DAP and urea saw the most increase in price from the previous quarter with DAP up $50/ton and urea up $59/ton. This increase equates to an increase in price of 9% for both DAP and urea. Only ammonium thio-sulfate remained unchanged.

Quarter 2 survey data included nine responses to questions about poultry litter, delivered and applied within a 25-mile radius of the facility. Prices ranged from $45-72/ton with an average of $55/ton reported. If you are a retailer interested in participating in this study, please contact Amanda Bennett at bennett.709@osu.edu.


Bennett, A., Richer, E., & Schroeder, C. (2024). 2024 First Quarter Fertilizer Prices Across Ohio. Ohio Ag Manager Blog.


Quinn, R. 2024. DTN Retail Fertilizer Trends. DTN Progressive Farmer. Accessed online April 11, 2024 at https://www.dtnpf.com/agriculture/web/ag/crops/article/2024/04/10/uan28-leads-fertilizer-prices-higher

Change in Ohio law creates new “low risk” license for mobile food vendors

By:Peggy Kirk Hall, Attorney and Director, Agricultural & Resource Law Program Thursday, April 25th, 2024
Multi-colored chicken eggs in an egg carton

In time for another farmers’ market season, Ohio has a new food license available for food entrepreneurs who sell eggs, meats, and certain home-produced foods at farmers markets and similar venues.  A new “Low Risk Mobile Retail Food Establishment license” (Low Risk MRFE) offers a lower risk level license that will benefit many of Ohio’s farm-based and home-produced food vendors. Regulations establishing the new license were effective on February 12, 2024.

Ohio law has historically required an MRFE license for vendors selling certain foods from mobile units such as trucks, trailers, tents, and stalls at farmers markets and similar locations. All mobile vendors, regardless of the risk level of the food they were selling, had to obtain the same type of MRFE license.  That changes with the new regulations, which create two types of MRFE licenses, low risk and high risk, and different licensing requirements for each.

The new Low Risk MRFE license offers two positive changes for the mobile food vendors who qualify for it:

Forage & Pasture Planting Calendar

Ed Brown, ANR Educator, Athens County (originally published in The Ohio Cattleman)

This calendar offers appropriate planting dates and seeding rates.

Throughout the years, I have received many calls as to when the best time is to plant pasture grasses and forages. Farmers and ranchers also wanted to know the recommended seeding rates for either a pure stand or as a forage mix. I would always refer them to the Ohio Agronomy Guide and give them the bit of information they needed. I knew that there had to a more efficient way to get out this information.

At first, I developed a spreadsheet with all the forages and which months they should be planted. This worked to answer questions quickly but wasn’t really a resource that producers could quickly access. This led to the development of the Forage & Pasture Planting Calendar.

I’ve taken the information from the Agronomy guide and put it into an easy to reference calendar that could be hung on the wall or on the side the fridge. The top of the calendar includes information and tips from the Ohio Agronomy Guide. The remainder of the calendar is organized by month with appropriate planting times and seeding rates.

The link to the calendar is https://athens.osu.edu/sites/athens/files/imce/Ag_Docs/Final%20Calendar_1.pdf

If you would like to print the calendar, it’s best done on 11 x 17 tabloid paper.

May Webinar: If it Bugs the Bugs, it Bugs the Birds!

Shumar, with the Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative to learn more about the impacts of pest management on birds, how to better understand the chemicals you may be using, and ways to make your spaces bird-friendly while still reducing threats from pests.

Registration is open HERE.

This webinar will be recorded and posted to our website – https://woodlandstewards.osu.edu/resources/webinars

H2Ohio Program Meeting

Licking Soil & Water has 2 remaining meetings to learn about incentives available in our county.  For each meeting our Ag Tech will be stationed at each site for 3-4hrs.  The meetings will be May 14  from 7-10:30 a.m. at Ragamuffins in Alexandria and May 15 from 8-12 at the Cottage in Hanover. Producers will be able to casually drop in to ask questions and pick up additional info about the program. Our Ag Tech Tayler Coy has worked with the H2Ohio program going on 4 years now from his time in Paulding SWCD.

Incentives for new H2Ohio participants will be offered for the development and implementation of Voluntary Nutrient Management Plans (VNMPs), H2Ohio’s cornerstone practice that reduces the risk of the over-application of nutrients while also encouraging producers to use practices that best fit their farming operations. Funding for producers in the statewide expansion area allows for enrollment of 500,000 new acres statewide.

Fencing Basics Workshop

Good fencing that contains animals makes raising livestock much less stressful!

Are you considering a fence construction project in the near future?

OSU Extension is partnering with Soil and Water from Licking and Muskingum Counties as well as the Natural Resources Conservation Service to provide a fencing clinic.

The free Clinic will take place on May 9, 2024 from 6-8 p.m. at the Licking Valley School Farm.

Please call 740-670-5315 to reserve a spot.

Click here for the flyer with additional details: 2024 Fencing Basics

Licking County Lamb Banquet

The Licking County Lamb Banquet is Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

It will be held at Rise Christian Church (formerly known as the Licking Valley Church of Christ) – 1578 Dayton Rd NE, Newark

Buffet-Style Lamb Dinner

Tickets Prices: $15.00 per person (age 13+) / $8 ages 6-12 Children under age 5 are Free

Sheep Industry Speaker – Grazing Specialist:  Bob Hendershot

 Announcement of 2024 Sheep Royalty Representatives, and lots of door prizes!

 Tickets are available at the door. RSVP to Darrick Foster at (740)475-7017 or by contacting a Licking County Sheep Improvement Association Committee Member:

David/Martha Cable, Kenny Lees, Al McDougal, Bob Rowe, Tom Wolford, Marlon Luckhart, Dean Kreager, Dale McCombs, Stacey Savage, Shawn McCombs