From Ben Brown
Program Manager- Farm Management Program
College of Food, Agricultural, & Environmental Sciences
Some of you may have already seen this from a little earlier- but under prevented planting rules, a cover crop planted on eligible acres cannot be harvested for grain and any haying or grazing on prevented plant acres has to happen on or after November 1.
Earlier today in a news release here, the Risk Management Agency announce that for 2019 only they will allow haying and grazing of cover crops on prevented plant acres from September 1 and on and not penalty on insurance indemnities. Harvesting for grain still impacts your prevented plant indemnities and your historical actual production history for future crop insurance premiums and guarantees. Cover crops used for silage, haylage or baleage on prevented plant acres are to be treated the same way as haying and grazing for 2019.
Below is a table to use to estimate the impact on prevented planting payments determined by when the producer planted the cover crop and when he or she intends to hay or graze the cover crop. This is for 2019 only.
The other thing RMA did today is announce that there will some counties across the country that will have an extension on the crop reporting date of July 15th. The Farm Service Agency has not released a list of counties that are eligible for that.
Things that were not covered in the press conference and still are not clarified:
- What is considered a “potentially harvestable crop for minimal MFP payment purposes”
- RMA did not make a statement on the use of the harvest price instead of the projected price in prevented planting indemnities.
- RMA did not make a statement on whether certain counties will be eligible for a higher prevented planting guarantee under the federal disaster bill.