
Book Review in Research in Arts Education journal

I was honored to read and review Eco Soma: Pain and joy in speculative performance encounters by Petra Kuppers (2022). It shifted how I think about my relationship to research, bodies, and environments.

The Research in Arts Education Journal is open source! Please take a gander then read Eco Soma in full.

Hoppe, E. J. (2022). Book Review: Eco Soma: Pain and Joy in Speculative Performance Encounters, Petra Kuppers. Research in Arts and Education, 2022(3), 75–80.

New Chapter in New Book, Remaking Spaces During COVID-19

Excited to share a new publication!

Skaggs, R., Hoppe, E. J., and Burke, M. J. (2023) Out of office: The broader implications of changing spaces and places in arts-based work during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remaking culture and music spaces. Affects, infrastructures, futures. Woodward, I., Haynes, J., Berkers, P., Dillance, A., and Golemo, L. (Eds). Routledge.

Remaking Culture and Music Spaces: Affects, Infrastructures, Futures (2023)

About this book with international perspectives:
This collection analyses the remaking of culture and music spaces during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Its central focus is how cultural producers negotiated radically disrupted and uncertain conditions by creating, designing, and curating new objects and events, and through making alternative combinations of practices and spaces. Click the link to read more and order a copy on the Routledge website.

Call for Participants – Dissertation Research

Call for participants: Dissertation Research - back and gold stylized
My dissertation research has officially launched! I’m currently seeking arts administrators (age 18+) working full time at arts/cultural organizations anywhere in the United States to participate in this inquiry, which asks:

How do the embodied experiences of female arts administrators affect the field of nonprofit arts administration?

There are 2 ways to participate: Continue reading Call for Participants – Dissertation Research

SNAAP DataBrief #1

How COVID-19 Has Impacted the Needed Resources of Arts Graduates (2021) Rachel Skaggs, Molly Jo Burke, and Erin J. Hoppe

The first of two Strategic National Arts Alumni Partnership DataBriefs is now available! Click the title for a quick read about some of the impacts we’ve uncovered through a year of research, including interviews with 65 arts alumni.

“Along with the many changes that accompanied the pandemic, the needed resources of arts graduates is one of many topics of interest as SNAAP develops new survey items for the 2022 survey. Understanding how arts graduates were affected by and are recovering from the pandemic is of key importance for educational institutions as they consider how to best support alumni and prepare arts majors for a post-pandemic world.”

Research Study: Measuring Artists’ Challenges and Resilience After COVID-19

Honored to be a Graduate Research Assistant for Dr. Rachel Skaggs and this project.


This research project explores COVID-19-related impacts on employment, creative practices, and resilience among artists. This broadens understanding of COVID-19 impacts on the arts. Findings will be used to develop COVID-19-related survey questions to be included on the Strategic National Arts Alumni Project survey in spring of 2022. This final survey will be administered to arts alumni around the country.

The study seeks arts alumni, whether currently working in the arts or not, as research participants to be part of qualitative interviews to discuss the impact of COVID-19. Questions will be focused on individuals’ creative practice, employment, and day to day activities.

Click here for the project website and to sign up to participate.

Podcast Episode 8: De’Avin Mitchell, BA, MA Student, September 2020

De'Avin stands in dark blue shirt buttoned to neck, arms behind his back. in front of blurry white gridThis podcast is informally titled, Everything is Subject to Change. De’Avin and I talk about life back to school and back to teaching in Autumn 2020, the importance of rest, professionalization, these historic times, and passionate, critical optimism. Embrace the mindfulness and energy at the end. Listen to Episode 8 here.

De’Avin’s Recommendations
Artist: Tricia Hersey
Reading: The Undercommons: Fugitive Planning & Black Study by Stefano Harney & Fred Moten (links to full PDF)

Arts Admins, Who? Episode 7 with Dr. Jessica Huth

Jess and Erin sit and look at each other across a round table with a stone fireplace behindThe podcast became a fireside chat when we escaped to the Northwoods in summer 2020.  We chat about genre theory and queer theory, queer film semiotics, the smell of film festivals, and fourteen years later I finally learn where Jess got her undergrad degree.  Special guest voices and natural sound effects round out our discussion of foley artists.  Listen on Soundcloud

Things we talked about: Continue reading Arts Admins, Who? Episode 7 with Dr. Jessica Huth