Web Learning Series — Advancing Equity: Reproductive Health Services and Considerations for Women with Substance Use Disorders
Unintended pregnancy rates are high among women with substance use disorders (SUD), approaching eight of every 10 pregnancies among women using opioids, suggesting that women with SUD have significant unmet contraceptive needs. In the fall of 2020, the Center for HOPES and the Center for Public Health Practice co-hosted a six-part virtual learning series examining the intersection of addiction and reproductive health, and explore and promote best practices for advancing health equity and access to care among women with substance use disorders (SUD). National and Ohio-based experts are providing insights on integrated care models that are improving reproductive health care for women with SUD. This series was produced in partnership with Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, Center for Community Solutions, Ohio Association of Community Health Centers, Ohio Department of Health, Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative, and the Harm Reduction Coalition.
Addressing the RH-SUD Dual Burden
In 2018, Ohio had the 2nd highest unintentional overdose death and 10th highest infant mortality rates in the United States. At the intersection of these public health crises are unmet reproductive health and substance use disorder care needs among women in Ohio. The dual burden of unmet reproductive health care and substance use disorder needs represents an under-attended area of public health policy, research, and practice. Building on the Advancing Equity webinar series, the Center for HOPES is developing resources for providers, researchers, and policymakers on how to address the dual burden within their respective domains of practice.
State Profile of Contraceptive Use and Access
The Ohio Policy Evaluation Network (OPEN) conducts rigorous and forward-thinking social-science research on the reproductive health of Ohioans. OPEN’s goal is to evaluate the reproductive health care landscape of Ohio in the context of federal and state laws, regulations, and policies. We study equity, access, outcomes, cost, and autonomy regarding reproductive health. Our interdisciplinary team includes faculty, students, and staff from The Ohio State University, the University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, and Case Western Reserve University. The mission of OPEN is to produce valuable and timely evidence for public policy makers. We aim to support more equitable access to quality reproductive health care in Ohio.
The Center for HOPES is leading the development of a state profile of contraceptive access in Ohio, such that stakeholders can understand contraceptive use patterns, gaps in coverage, and changes over time among a range of potential contraceptive users. The big picture challenge is estimating contraceptive prevalence (1) for the entire reproductive age population of Ohio and (2) with sufficient timeliness to be program-and policy-relevant. No single data source covers the population in a timely manner, and all impose trade-offs and limitations. We are currently analyzing the following data: (1) National Survey for Family Growth; (2) Ohio Pregnancy Assessment Survey; (3) Title X Family Planning Annual Report for Ohio; (4) Symphony Health claims data; (5) Marketscan commercial claims, and (6) Ohio Medicaid (aggregate).