About Us

Our Mission

To support community health through rigorous and innovative policy research and evaluation.

Our Work

The Center for Health Outcomes and Policy Evaluation Studies (HOPES) exists to address the evidentiary disconnect between research and practice of health policy, broadly defined.

We pursue our purpose by applying strong, diverse research skills, high-quality evidence, and community engagement to pressing public health problems. We evaluate policies in terms of their impact on population health outcomes.

Our goal is to be Ohio State’s home for health policy. We seek to be a bridge and trusted partner between research, practice, and policy, both within the University and the community more broadly.

Our History

The Center for HOPES, which is located within The Ohio State University’s College of Public Health, was established in 1994 to respond to the needs of health policy decision-makers at local, state, and national levels. Center researchers conduct applied health services research studies to help public and private organizations evaluate clinical effectiveness, quality of care, costs of medical services, process flow in health care institutions, and other investigations in the areas of health outcomes, policy, and evaluation. Our programs have a direct and strong impact on health care in both the private and public sectors at the local, state, and national levels.

Director’s Message

Our Staff

Our Graduate Students

Our Oversight Committee

Services We Offer

2021 Annual Report