Past research have included the following:
- the long-term impact of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on coral acclimatization of the holobiont and microbiome
- the phenotype and genotype of coral adaptation and acclimatization to global climate change.
- recovery of bleaching corals under ocean acidification conditions.
- the interactive effect of elevated temperature and ocean acidification on corals
- the effect of repeat bleaching on Caribbean coral adaptation and acclimation
- the effect of bleaching on the acquisition, allocation, and utilization of carbon in bleached and recovering corals
- the effect of land-use on the concentration and isotopic character of organic and inorganic carbon in tropical and temperature streams
- the history of land-use change in tropical streams as recorded in coral skeletal records
- paleoceanography of the western tropical Pacific using coral, sclerosponge, and gorgonian isotope and elemental records
- coral skeletal cadmium-based paleoceanography of upwelling in the eastern tropical Pacific
This work spanned many countries and states. A selection of photographs from these expeditions are below. Results from past research are published and can be viewed through the Publications link on the right-hand toolbar.
Research team in Hawaii
Hawaii tank experiment
Control vs Future Ocean after 2 years
Grottoli team in Hawaii (Jordan, Sarah, Rowan, Colin, Jamie, Andrea)
Creative coffee warming solutions by Rowan
Montipora fragment in a respirometry chamber
Respirometry setup
Dr. Grottoli and Sarah sampling seawater
Andrea Grottoli and Kerri Dobson measuring coral feeding rates
Bleached P. compressa in the middle of non-bleached colonies
Partially bleached Montipora capitata at Coconut Island
Bleached (L) and non-bleached (R) P. compressa
Mexico team (Stephen, Andrea, Teresa, Verena, Justin)
Verena in Mexico
OHIO in Mexico
Stephen at recovery sitein Mexico
Andrea in Mexico
Mark Warner in Mexico
Grottoli building tanks with daughter
Mexican reef
Miriam, Andrea, Christine at CSM Monaco
Ocean Acidification Project setup
Corals in Ocean Acidification project tank
Ocean Acidification project team 2012
Ryan and Andrea water sampling Puerto Rico
Ryan coral drilling in Puerto Rico
Andrea and Branwen on Gulf of Mexico cruise
Andrea Gulf of Mexico cruise
Andrea and Adam in Hawaii
Andrea holding coral in Hawaii
Abbey and Adam in Hawaii
Coral bleaching Hawaii setup 2006
Lisa in Hawaii
Andrea deep-water coral cruise Hawaii
Andrea in sub Hawaii
Deep coral isotope labeling chamber
Divers sealing chamber witih Pisces IV in background
Coshocton field site
Andrea and Yohei at Coshocton field site
Yohei and Teresa sampling at Coshocton 2008
Andrea and Branwen in Palau 2006
Andrea with large gorgonian, Palau
Andrea and Branwen with gorgonians, Palau
Saipan sclerosponge scene
Andrea and Olivia coral drilling, Saipan
Katie and Andrea, Panama cruise
Katie Panama cruise 2002
Andrea Panama cruise 2002
Katie, Panama cruise
Jim collected seawater, Panama
Tubastraea, Panama
Andrea and Jerry, Jason Project 1996
Andrea in the Aquarius Habitat 1996
Aquarius Habitat mission team 1996