Recent Press
2024 UH press release for Jury et al (2024) with Grottoli as co-senior author in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
2024 OSU press release for Dobson et al (2024) with Grottoli as co-communicating and senior author in Nature Communications Earth & Environment. Dobson was a PhD graduate student in Grottoli’s lab.
2023 OSU press release and USGS press release for Chapron et al (2023) with Grottoli as co-communicating and senior author in Nature Communications Earth & Environment. Chapron was a postdoc in Grottoli’s lab.
2022 OSU press release and FIT press release for van Woesik et al (2022) in Global Change Biology. This is the third paper from the Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Network that Grottoli is director of.
2022 Press release for McLachlan et al (2022) with Grottoli as co-communicating and senior author on the physiological acclimatization of Hawaii corals in Scientific Reports. Stories by National Geographic and NBCNews. Podcast by Scientific American Climate Change 60-second Science
2021 Press release for Rebuilding Coral Reefs: A Decadal Grand Challenge, a paper co-authored by Grottoli and published by the International Coral Reef Society and Future Earth Coasts
2020 Press release for Grottoli et al (2020) on enhancing comparability among coral bleaching experiments in the joural Ecological Applications
2020 Ohio State Alumni Magazine Beauty is all around (Fall) includes Grottoli research
2019 Press release for Baums et al (2019) on considerations for maximizing the adaptive potential of restored coral populations in the western Atlantic in the journal Ecological Applications. Grottoli is a co-author.
2019 Coral Bleaching Research Coordination Press in The Lantern and OSU News and Updates
2018 Grottoli named 2018 Voyager Award winner from the American Geophysical Union’s Ocean Sciences Section
2018 Press release for Grottoli et al (2018) PLoS ONE Coral physiology and microbiome dynamics under combined ocean warming and acidification. Stories in 20 outlets including EurekaAlert! and Science Daily. Follow-up interviews and stories in Hakai Magazine , Oceans Deeply, and EOS
2018 Grottoli named American Association for the Advancement of Science Fellow
2017 Grottoli et al (2017) Physiological and biogeochemical responses of super-corals to thermal stress from the northern Gulf of Aqaba, Red Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science. Follow-up interviews and stories in Christian Science Monitor “Can ‘super-corals’ save the reefs?”
Professor Grottoli TEDx OSU speaker (14 Feb 2015)
Grottoli research in “The Edge of Light” (2011)
Grottoli (2015) As the Earth enters its third mass bleaching event, will corals survive?The Conversation (online magazine), 20 Nov 2015
Schoepf, Grottoli et al (2015) Annual coral bleaching can impair the long-term recovery capacity of corals. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 10.1098/rspb.2015.1887
Press releases from OSU and UWA, and stories in EurekaAlert! and International Business Times
Grottoli et al (2014) The cumulative impact of annual coral bleaching turns some coral species winners into losers. Global Change Biology, 10.1111/gcb.12658.
Press release from OSU, and stories by NSF Science 360 Breaking News , Sci Guru Science News, Smithsonian, and Ensia
Grottoli Research Team in Hawaii to study coral bleaching
Earth Sciences Newsletter (2014), Environmental Monitor (2015)
Grottoli et al (2014) The cumulative impact of annual coral bleaching turns some coral species winners into losers. Global Change Biology.
OSU Press release , NSF Science 360 Breaking News , Sci Guru Science News, Smithsonian, Ensia
Grottoli et al (2006) Heterotrophic plasticity and resilience in bleached corals. Nature (selection of press articles)
Radio interviews on NPR Science Fridays, Quirks and Quarks CBC Radio, Canada and Earth Watch Radio. Press release by OSU and stories by Christian Science Monitor , Scientific American and Earth Watch.
Ocean Acidification Project (2011-2013)
Columbus Dispatch Article An Ocean of Trouble (2011), American Reef interview part I, and part II, National Science Foundation Press release
Williams & Grottoli (2010) Recent shoaling of the nutricline and thermocline in the western tropical Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters. Williams was a PhD student with Grottoli(selection of press articles)
Press releases by OSU and AGU, stories by Nature Research Highlights, MSNBC News and USA Today, and radio interview on ABC Australian Broadcast Company ,