Global Teacher Seminar Bibliography- Global Environmental Issues: The Problems, Solutions and Potential Outcomes
The land grant mission of The Ohio State University Library welcomes engagement with the community of Ohio in advancing access to the global knowledge through its area studies collections. This annotated bibliography introduces sources available on Global Environmental Issues: The Problems, Solutions, and Potential Outcomes, in support of the 2019 Global Teacher Seminar. Sources are accessible through The Ohio State University Libraries.
We welcome your questions and feedback on the sources that were the most helpful to you in the development of a lesson plan. Please contact Latin American Studies Librarian Pamela Espinosa de los Monteros at for additional assistance locating sources.
Global Environmental Issues Resource Outline
A. Ebooks
B. Online Resources
C. Instructional Resources
D. Recommended sources from Dr. Nicholas C. Kawa
A. Ebooks from the OSU Library
1.Hillstrom, Kevin, and Laurie C. Hillstrom. Latin America and the Caribbean: A Continental Overview of Environmental Issues. Santa Barbara, Calif: ABC-CLIO, 2004
eBook. English
The World’s Environments series is a general reference resource that covers environmental issues and trends. This resource features chapters on population and land use; biodiversity; parks, preserves, and protected areas; forests; agriculture; freshwater; oceans and coastal areas; energy and transportation; air quality and the atmosphere’ and environmental activism.
2. Kronik, Jakob, and Dorte Verner. Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank Publications, 2010.
eBook. English.
Research undertaken by the Sustainable Development department detailing first person accounts on how indigenous communities in Latin America and the Caribbean are affected by climate change and climate variability. Included are chapters on indigenous communities from the Amazon (chapter 2) and Andes (chapter 3), conclusion and recommendations (chapter 6). This source provides a summary of first-hand accounts.
3. Romero, Diaz A, and Sarah E. West. Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2005.
eBook. English.
An interdisciplinary collection of essays analyzing environmental issues conservation challenges eco-labeling, environmental justice, and policies on rural development.
B. Online Resources
4. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). UNDP Latin America and the Caribbean. Online Website.
Website. English and Spanish
This source includes blogs, news stories, pictures and reports connected to the region’s progress towards the United Nation’s sustainable development goals.
5. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Publications on Latin American and the Caribbean. Online Resource.
Online resource/repository. English and Spanish
Search the publications of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to find reports and resources. Select Natural Resources and the Environment and Climate Change from the drop-down filter available.
C. Instructional Resources
6. Curriculum Pathways. The Amazon Rainforest Lesson Plan. Online Resource.
Online Resource. English
An instruction module on the Amazon rainforest and its impact on the world for grade levels 6-12.
7. MIT Open Courseware. Environmental Justice. Online Course
Online Resource/Open Course. English
This course explores the foundations of environmental justice movement, current, and emerging issues, and the applications of environmental justice analysis to environmental policy and planning. Includes readings, assignments and syllabus.
8. UNESCO. Resource for Education on Climate Change. Annotated Bibliography
Online Resource. Various languages including English
Provides an annotated bibliography of teaching resources on climate change, including videos, lesson plans, and more.
Additional instructional resources:
The Learning Network-Global Issues
The Learning Network resource page developed by the New York Times provides idea on instructional activities for teaching global issues with the New York Times. There are limited activities on South America, but explore this source for ideas.
National Geographic-Teaching Resources
Curriculum materials including activities, lesson plans, and sequenced lesson units. Search key words such as “Andes”, “Amazonia” and “Indigenous.”
9. The Voyageur Experience. Costa Rica: Ecotourism and Economic Development. Agency for Instructional Technology 2002.
Video. English
This documentary treks across the Central American nation with a spotlight on ecotourism and how it fits into Costa Rica’s overall economy.
10. PBS. Blue Gold-World Water Wars. 2009
Video. English
Documentary examining the demands of the world’s freshwater supply through existing agriculture, housing, and industry practices.
11. Vallejo, J. (Director). (2012). Cerro Rico, Tierra Rica [Video file]. Pragda. Kanopy.
Video. Spanish with English subtitles
The rituals of a mining community are observed in this portrait of life and work in Bolivia’s Altiplano. The miners’ lives offer a strong denunciation of the hardships inherent in industrial work, underscoring the impact of global demands for earth’s wealth on the native population.
12. Franca, B. (Director). (2012). Eternal Amazon (Amazonia Eterna). Pragda. Kanopy.
Video. English
Eternal Amazon presents a critical analysis of how the world’s largest tropical rainforest is understood and utilized.
13. Beckett, C. Cameron, S. (Director). (2014). Waiting for Justice in Ecuador’s Amazon Rain Forest [Video file]. The Green Interview. Kanopy.
This episode of The Green Interview features Pablo Fajardo and Steven Donziger, two lawyers whose relentless pursuit of one of the world’s biggest and meanest corporations has made “Chevron-Toxico” a landmark case in environmental law.
Video interview. English and Spanish
14. TV Choice. (2002). Impact of Tourism: Amazon [Video file]. Kanopy.
Documentary. English
Brazil now actively promotes the Amazon to tourists to bring money and jobs to locals. But how will tourism affect this environmentally vital area? And what form will tourism take?
E. Dr. Nicholas C. Kawa, Assistant Professor of Anthropology suggested sources:
- Brondizio, E. (2016). The Elephant in the Room: Amazonian Cities Deserve More Attention in Climate Change and Sustainability Discussions. Article.
- Heckenberger, M. J., Russell, J. C., Fausto, C., Toney, J. R., Schmidt, M. J., Pereira, E., … & Kuikuro, A. (2008). Pre-Columbian urbanism, anthropogenic landscapes, and the future of the Amazon. Science, 321(5893), 1214-1217.
- Heckenberger, M. J. (2009). Lost cities of the Amazon. Scientific American, 301(4), 64-71.
- Kawa, N. C., Ulmer, G. L., & Silverstein, S. M. (2018). A pretext for plunder? Environmental change and state‐led redevelopment in the Peruvian Amazon. Anthropology Today, 34(2), 14-17.
- Padoch, C., E. Brondizio, S. Costa, M. Pinedo-Vasquez, R. R. Sears, and A. Siqueira. 2008. Urban forest and rural cities: multi-sited households, consumption patterns, and forest resources in Amazonia. Ecology and Society 13(2): 2. [online] URL:
PowerPoint Presentation
2019 Global Teacher Seminar – Urban Ecologies of the Amazon
Amazonia: The Film
PIXAR is hiring you to make an animated feature film set in the Amazon region. PIXAR specifically asked that you develop a plot and cast of characters that challenges common stereotypes of the region that are reproduced in contemporary North American media outlets. For this exercise, you are asked to simply develop a brief sketch of what this film might look like. Incorporate ideas and observations from our discussion on urban Amazonia today.
- Who are your main protagonists? Where do they live and what do they do there?
- What are the aspirations of your protagonists? What obstacles (or villains) stand in their way?
- Using the responses above, summarize the general storyline of the film in 3–4 sentences.
- Lastly, discuss how this film will challenge the stereotypes we have seen before?