Faculty Working Lunch

Today was the first Working Lunch for The Global Mobility Project at Ohio State.  If you would like to join the discussion, please complete our Faculty Questionnaire: https://goo.gl/forms/7yXdCwuYcw124s4G2

The Global Mobility Project at Ohio State integrates the expertise of five faculty members working on global mobility from the perspectives of anthropology, history, literature, film/media studies, and filmmaking. We give a central role to the humanities and arts as we reimagine the complex human dimensions and dynamic cultural reverberations of the movement of peoples, internationally and locally. Focusing on two main research questions, what does it mean to leave home and how do communities accept newcomers, we foster the exchange of ideas on campus, engage students in and outside the classroom, forge connections with the wider community in Columbus and beyond, and plan for future regional, national, and international collaborations.

Our goals over the next two years (2016-2018) include:

  1. To build an intellectual community on campus, through public talks, film screenings and discussions, a scholar- and artist-in-residence program, and regular “working lunches”;
  2. To aid the advancement of faculty research on the topic through a new grants program and the dissemination of knowledge in print or online;
  3. To coordinate our teaching and to engage our undergraduate and graduate students in the academic and creative events we organize;
  4. To create more opportunities for research and creative work for our students, including the launching of a new grants program;
  5. To reach out to community partners in Columbus and beyond and involve them in our activities;
  6. To think about possible future collaborative projects across campus and beyond.

Funding opportunities

  1. Undergraduate student grants for research and creative work on the topic of global mobility: In each category, we expect to award between 4 and 6 grants of up to $2,000 each.
  1. Graduate student grants for research and creative work on the topic of global mobility: We expect to award between 5 and 7 grants of up to $2,500 each.
  1. Faculty grants for research and creative work on the topic of global mobility: We expect to award between 6 and 8 faculty grants of up to $3,000 each.

For more information, please visit our website: https://u.osu.edu/globalmobility/, email us at globalmobility@osu.edu, or complete our Faculty Questionnaire at https://goo.gl/forms/7yXdCwuYcw124s4G2


The Global Mobility Project at Ohio State — Calendar of Activities

Public Events

Immigrants and Refugees: Comparative Experiences Lecture Series

  • Monday 10/24, 1pm, Mershon Center: Ibrahim Sirkeci (Regent’s U London, UK): “Europe’s Crisis: Turkey’s Refugees and Refugees from Turkey”
  • Monday 11/14, 1:30pm, Mershon Center: Ulf Brunnbauer (IOS Regensburg, Germany): “On the Other Side of the Migration Debate: Controlling Emigration in 20th-century Southeastern Europe”
  • Monday 01/23 (time TBA), Peter Gatrell (Manchester U, UK): “Refugees in Modern History: A European Perspective”
  • Monday 02/27 or Tuesday 02/28, Simona Zavratnik, U of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Title TBA.

* In 2017-2018, we will continue the lecture series with more events focused on the Americas and/or other regions outside of Europe.


Film Screenings

  • Tuesday 01/24, 7pm, Wexner Center for the Arts: Fire at Sea (dir. Gianfranco Rosi, Italy, 2016). Followed by discussion with guest Peter Gatrell.
  • Wednesday 03/01, 7pm, Wexner Center for the Arts. The Pirogue (dir. Moussa Toure, Senegal/ France/Germany, 2012). Followed by discussion with guest Simona Zavratnik.

* In 2017-2018, we will curate two films/semester at the Wexner Center for the Arts.


Scholar/Artist-in-Residence Program

Week of 02/27: Simona Zavratnik, U of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

  • Public presentation/talk
  • Class presentations and Meetings with students
  • Participation in the Wexner film screening discussion

*In 2017-2018, we will invite two more resident guests, including an artist.


*In Autumn 2017, we will organize a workshop with CIC scholars.


Working Lunch Series

  • Monday 10/31, 12pm, Ohio Union: Faculty partners.
  • Tuesday 11/15, 12pm, Mershon Center: Graduate student partners.
  • Thursday 02/09, 12pm, place TBA: Community partners.
  • April 2017 details TBA: Undergraduate students; undergraduate project presentations.
  • April/May 2017: End-of-year reception and research project showcase.