Migration Studies Working Group Discussion Dates

The Migration Studies Working Group at Ohio State University is comprised of students and faculty who are interested in discussing issues related to migration, immigration, and mobility.  Please RSVP to migrationstudiesworkinggroup@gmail.com by Thursday 2/2 if you are planning to attend the February discussion.  Friday’s discussion will feature guest speaker Professor Peter Shane of Moritz College of Law.

You can pick up printed copies of the readings in the Ohio Union at the Keith B. Key Center for Student Leadership and Service Resource Center (2nd floor).

“World on the Move” Conference

CALL FOR PAPERS: ‘World on the Move: Migration, Societies and Change’: 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2017

The University of Manchester’s Migration Lab invites proposals for papers, workshops, exhibitions and performances which respond to and confront the relationship between migration and the various social, political, environmental and economic upheavals currently in process worldwide. We hope to include discussions around issues such as forced displacement, asylum, labour migration, trafficking, diaspora, integration, citizenship and their reciprocal relationships with conflict, economic inequalities, hardship, climate change, political change and social transformation. Proposal deadline: 30 April 2017. The following themes are intended as a guide.

Conference Themes

We invite proposals for papers, workshops, exhibitions and performances which respond to and confront the relationship between migration and the various social, political, environmental and economic upheavals currently in process worldwide. We hope to include discussions around issues such as forced displacement, asylum, labour migration, trafficking, diaspora, integration, citizenship and their reciprocal relationships with conflict, economic inequalities, hardship, climate change, political change and social  transformation. The following themes are intended as a guide:

  1. Home, Borders, Identities
  2. Media, Culture, New Populisms
  3. History, Agency, Institutions
  4. Languages, Narratives, Expressions
  5. Methodologies, Research and Practice

Key Dates

  • Abstract Deadline: 30 April 2017
  • Notice of Acceptance: 30 May 2017
  • Registration: 15 July 2017
  • Conference: 30 Oct – 1 Nov 2017

Visit the conference page for more information: www.migrationlab.manchester.ac.uk

CFS Lecture: Listening for Religion in Central Ohio

This talk by affiliate member Isaac Weiner might be of interest.

Isaac Weiner Talk:

Listening for Religion in Central Ohio

Monday, January 30  4:00pm to 5:30pm
18th Ave. Library, 175 W. 18th, Room 205

What does religion in central Ohio sound like? Where does one go to hear it? How might we understand religious diversity differently if we begin by listening for it? These questions animate the American Religious Sounds Project (ARSP), a collaborative research initiative of Ohio State and Michigan State Universities, which will offer new resources for documenting and interpreting the diversity of American religious life by attending to its varied sonic cultures. In this talk, Professor Weiner will introduce the ARSP and reflect on some of its opportunities and challenges.

Film Screening: Fire at Sea

Director: Gianfranco Rosi, Italy, 2016
Screening Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Wexner Center for the Arts
Cost: $8 general public; $6 Wexner Center members,
students, senior citizens; $3 children under 12
Followed by discussion with OSU Visiting Assistant Professor of Italian Jonathan Mullins and guest Peter Gatrell

Samuele Pucillo in “Fire at Sea,” a documentary by Gianfranco Rosi. Credit

Winner of the Golden Bear at this year’s Berlin Film Festival and nominated for a 2017 Academy Award for best documentary feature, Gianfranco Rosi’s documentary observes Europe’s migrant crisis from the vantage point of a Mediterranean island where hundreds of thousands of refugees, fleeing war and poverty, have landed in recent decades. Rosi shows the harrowing work of rescue operations but devotes most of the film to the daily rhythms of Lampedusa, seen through the eyes of a doctor who treats casualties and performs autopsies, and a feisty but anxious pre-teen from a family of fishermen for whom it is simply a peripheral fact of life. With its emphasis on the quotidian, the film reclaims an ongoing tragedy from the abstract sensationalism of media headlines. (New York Film Festival copy)



Gatrell Lecture – Refugees in Modern History: A European Perspective

Watch the Gatrell lecture Refugees in Modern History: A European Perspective here:

Video recorded on January, 23, 2017.

Produced and edited: Lisa Beiswenger
Introduction: Theodora Dragostinova
Speaker: Peter Gatrell
PowerPoint: Peter Gatrell
The Global Mobility Team: Vera Brunner-Sung, Jeffrey Cohen, Theodora Dragostinova, Yana Hashamova, and Robin Judd
Produced with the assistance of the Office of International Affairs

The Migration Conference Call for Papers

This conference may be of interest to those who study migration and mobility.  http://www.migrationcenter.org/cfp

The conference will be hosted by Harokopio University Athens and will convene from Wednesday 23 August to Saturday 26 August 2017. This world congress of Migration Studies creates a forum where scholars, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers are encouraged to exchange knowledge, share research and debate the issues that challenge existing modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better policies and practices.

The TMC conferences are unique in their dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary approach and focus on migration and surrounding issues, challenges and solutions to them. The scientific programme organizes papers around thematic lines and streams weaved around regions, corridors, country cases as well as global and regional perspectives and theoretical takes on human mobility and population movements with all facets covered from motivations and mechanisms of migration to policies and integration, to irregular movements and demographic and geographic analysis without ignoring the non-movers, host and sending societies. The conference accommodates training workshops, public roundtable discussions, invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, special sessions and thematic workshops. The conference will start with the Opening Plenary in the late afternoon of August 23rd with keynote speeches by distinguished scholars in migration studies. In subsequent panels, a number of well-known scholars contribute to the debates over four days of stimulating exchange.

The Migration Conferences’ goal is to facilitate the inter-disciplinary exchange of knowledge and provide an outstanding opportunity to meet fellow researchers working on a wide array of topics and themes. Participants in the conference also have the opportunity to submit their work to special issues of the journals Migration Letters, Remittances Review as well as opportunities to contribute to the edited books published by Transnational Press London .

Visit The Migration Conference website for more information: http://www.migrationcenter.org/cfp

The Institute for Population Research at OSU Presents


For those interested in migration and migration theory, The Institute for Population Research at OSU is offering a seminar that may pique your interest.

A Re-appraisal of Thinking on and the Empirical Evaluation of Migration Theories
Dr. Fernando Riosmena
Associate Professor of Geography
Faculty, Population Program, Institute of Behavioral Science
University of Colorado, at Boulder

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
12:30 pm – 1:30 pm
038 Townshend Hall
1885 Neil Ave.

Graduate students are welcome to attend the graduate student roundtable Tuesday morning, 11:30-12:15 in 038 Townshend Hall

Abstract: In some subfields of migration studies and social demography, there has been considerable effort to systematize knowledge on the drivers of population mobility around theories that explain the initiation or continuation of (international labor) migration flows. Despite attempts aimed at providing a general way to map macro-structural forces into everyday practices and actions (e.g., Morawska’s structuration theory), there has been little guidance on how the different theories’ overlapping scales of influence interrelate more specifically. I contribute to these efforts by critically analyzing the way in which the aforementioned migration studies subfields have deployed and tested theories, paying particular attention to the possible linkages between frameworks as root causes and catalyzers/triggers of the spatiality and timing of the initiation of flows. In addition, I provide a critique of the manner in which the relative validity of these theories has been tested (mostly quantitatively), suggesting some refinements on the empirical validation of theories and, more broadly, their use in guiding empirical analysis going forward.

Professor Riosmena’s research looks at how demographic processes are associated with the spatial and social mobility, well-being, and development in Latin American societies and immigrant communities from said region in the United States. His main research areas are immigrant health throughout different stages of the migration process and the role of U.S. immigration policy and social, economic, and environmental conditions in sending communities on the migration dynamics between Latin America and the United States.

Pizza and soft drinks will be provided


New Book: Little Turkey in Great Britain

little-turkey-in-great-britainLittle Turkey in Great Britain
Co-authored by Ibrahim Sirkeci, Tuncay Bilecen, Yakup Çoştu, Saniye Dedeoğlu, M. Rauf Kesici, B. Dilara Şeker, Fethiye Tilbe, and K. Onur Unutulmaz, this book draws upon a dozen research projects to gain a deeper understanding of the contemporary Turkish and Kurdish immigrant community in the UK.


From the back cover: 

“Turkish migration to British Isles has a long history but sizeable diaspora communities and enclaves of Turkish origin have emerged only in the last four to five decades. Earlier groups arrived were Cypriots fleeing the troubled island in the Eastern Mediterranean whilst Turks and Kurds of the mainland were not even considering the UK as a destination. This book is about these contemporary movers from Turkey, their movement trajectories, practices, and integration in Britain. Eight researchers from different disciplinary backgrounds and methodological schools came together to do the ground work for the students of this emerging subfield of human mobility studies. Turkey is now at the forefront of accommodating large scale inward mobility mostly due to the crisis in Syria and Iraq. This also brings some attention to Turkey’s own diasporic populations.”


  • Introduction
  • Chapter 1. The Numbers about Turks, Kurds and Turkish Cypriots
  • Chapter 2. Identity and integration
  • Chapter 3. Political participation in London
  • Chapter 4. Ankara Agreement and the new wave of movers
  • Annex. Full Text of The Ankara Agreement
  • Chapter 5. Work and social relations in London
  • Chapter 6. Women’s labour in the Turkish ethnic economy in London
  • Chapter 7. Remittances to Turkey
  • Chapter 8. Turkish religious communities
  • Chapter 9. Diasporic identities and ethnic football in London
  • Conclusion

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