Interested in 4-H Shooting Sports? Join the informational session!


Who can Join Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports?
Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child’s age and grade as of January 1 of the current project year. Eligibility for participation in 4-H Shooting Sports projects and competitive events begins when a child is age 8 and in the 3rd grade. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible regardless of grade level. A youth’s 4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he or she turns 19.

How to Join Ohio 4-H Shooting Sports
Ohio Shooting Sports is part of the OSU Extension 4-H Youth Development program. For information on county shooting sports clubs and programs, consider attending the county informational session on Thursday, November 30th. See the flyer here for more information.

What is expected?
Members are expected to participate in their local 4-H club/program meetings. Attendance policies are county/club specific with most require a minimum of 6 meetings. Members must abide by the Ohio 4-H Code of Conduct, follow all range safety practices and commands including wearing all required safety equipment.

4-H Certified Shooting Sports Instructors
All 4-H programs are conducted by trained 4-H Volunteers. Shooting Sports Instructors have completed a minimum of 15 hours of specific shooting sports training in the discipline they teach. Screening & background checks are required

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