A. Team Working Agreement

Lab section # – 9323
Table # – 3
Instructor – Ranjith Kumar Abhinavam Kailasanathan

Team Name (Optional) – Optional

Team member info:

 Jared Britt Britt.91 614-905-7573
Alvin Gunawan Gunawan.86 937-594-7942
Owen Huston Huston.213 419-956-2026
Camden Sullivan Sullivan.1190 740-834-9318


2)  Primary Means of Communication and Expectations

Primary communication will be via text, but files and work will be shared via email. The expected response time for texts is two hours. The expected response time for emails is twelve hours.

3)  General Responsibilities for All Team Members

  • Stay on task during class and lab.
  • Divide the work fairly and be sure that everyone participates equally.
  • Complete assigned tasks on time.
  • Be on time to all meetings.
  • Discuss any problems as they arise.
  • Ensure that all team members have a copy of all group work and documentation
  • Participate in all meetings.
  • Complete class assignments the day before they are due to allow extra time to correct problems.

4)  Specific Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines (If applicable)

Alvin and Camden will take notes and document meetings

Jared is responsible for scheduling meetings and ensuring everyone shows up

Owen is responsible for keeping everyone on track and keeping the time

5)  Conflict Resolution

When there are interpersonal conflicts, we will initially internally address the issue. If it persists, we will readdress the issue in the presence of a neutral faculty member. If this fails, the problem will be brought to the teacher’s attention.

6)  Expectations of Faculty and GTA’s

If a team member fails to uphold this agreement, the situation will be reported to faculty. However, we understand that the responsibility for an assignment ultimately falls on us, the students.