C. Program Description for Developers

The Quest for Chegg –

Health = The amount of health points that the player has. If the player’s health points reach zero or below, the game is over and the player must retry.

Weapon (#) = Selects weapon and damage variables that are to be applied

Gold = The amount of Gold the player currently holds.

won = A variable put in place to test if the player has won the game or not. If the player has 50 or more Gold they win, the variable is set to “true,” and “You win!!” is displayed. If the player has less than 50 Gold then the status of the variable will remain false until they have 50 Gold.

(Entity) = The health status of said entity.

List of all “Entities:”






Border = Input whether you were attempting to sneak across the border or not.

Dungeon = Input the direction you wish to go at the split.

dungeon2 = Input whether you wish to attack the second guard, or wait for him to pass.


Connect Four –

board_display  = a 6 by 7 matrix that contains all ones when it is initialized

playerNum = keeps track of which player is playing (player = 2, computer = 3)

invalidSpot = true if a player/computer places in a row that is already full

gameOver = true if a player/computer has one

checkForWin() = a function that takes board_display, row,col as parameters in that order and returns true if the a player/computer has won