A. User Identification and Interviews

Identify the intended audience for your game

Connect 4 intended audience: Anyone of all ages

Adventure game intended audience: Fantasy Enthusiasts

Conduct interview #1 with a potential user PRIOR to development

  1. What are some games you have played recently? ANS: Call of Duty Modern Warfare, League of Legends, Call of Duty Mobile, #Drive
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB? ANS: Simple games like Snake, Chess, Solitaire, Checkers, Tic-Tac-Toe, Sudoku, or 2048.
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play? ANS: If its a small game then It should be only about 3 minutes to 10 minutes long.
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play? ANS: High scores, achievements, recordable progress, and unlockables.

Conduct interview #2 with a user after beta testing (must be different person than #1)

  1. What are some games you have played recently? ANS: Civilization V, Call of Duty, Euchre.
  2. What are some games you might enjoy playing on MATLAB? ANS: Games like Blackjack, or Yahtzee.
  3. In your opinion what is the optimal length a game should take to play? 5 to 10 minutes.
  4. What aspects of a game make it enjoyable to you to play? Involvement of luck, level of difficulty, and the social aspects of the game.
  5. When playing this game, which aspects did you enjoy? The complexity and the effort put into the game.
  6. When playing this game, what changes would you recommend? ANS: The game needs more content.