AR&D 4-3D Body Design

3D Body Printing

March 26, 2019

Constructed AEV with 3D printed body. Will be used in third aR&D testing for weight differences and implications of using 3D printed material.

March 29, 2019

Testing of the new 3D configuration went through first testing trials. Tests conducted in 2 motor push style configuration for testing.

The above graph depicts the Distance in meters per Time in seconds in the 2 motor push style configuration. The initial test resulted in am estimated 6.5 meters in a 12 second testing frame. Compared to the data gathered for the previous design of the same style, the new 3D design performed better than the old design. The old design traveled at 0.513 m/s while the new 3D design traveled at 0.5397 m/s.

The above graph depicts the Energy vs. Distance for the above AEV design. The 2 motor push configuration compared to the old AEV had an energy output of 10.233 J/m. The new AEV design with the same configuration and style performed better than the old design, resulting in an average energy output of 9.45 J/m; an energy efficiency increase of 0.783 J/m.

April 2, 2019

Modified the 3D design into the current design below.

The new design features a T arm for stability and balance as well as a balance of the Arduino further back in the main plane to supplement balance.

April 5, 2019