AR&D 2-Reflective Sensor Testing

Reflective Sensor Testing

March 6, 2019

Accuracy of the reflective sensors using the standard configuration was not impacted in any major way with or without a cover present. The total difference measured over five trials each (10 total trials) was only 0.2 marks. However, there was less variance between the results of each trial with the cover than without. Considering the results of the test, the cover has been determined to be unnecessary, and may ultimately hinder performance with its additional weight and the risk that it poses to disrupt the wheels on the track. Another test of the sensors was performed, involving the use of a spacer. Five trials with the spacer were run, with the results varying as much as 60 marks, with an average distance 16.62 marks less than the intended distance. Due to the lack of reliability that the spacer provides, especially compared to without, adding a spacer would be poor judgement, only serving to hinder the performance of the AEV.

Picture of light cover used during experimentation stages