Group E

Group E strives to bring about positive change in the ever growing area of technological transportation. Tasked with the creation of an Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV) for transportation across Columbus, Group E has taken strides in development for the most efficient and effective system for the greater public.

The primary goal of Group E is to create a reliable, safe solution to our client’s demands. The secondary goal is to keep the AEV at an affordable price to the consumer. Vehicle weight, balance, and aerodynamics are the primary categories of focus for minimizing overall costs and keep the vehicle up to the requirements it is needed to meet.

Sales Pitch:

The final design for our AEV features a T-shaped hanger, A 3d-printed body and reverse orientation propellers (serial number facing towards from velocity). The T-shaped hanger was chosen to increase balance across the AEV, the 3d body is made from a light weight plastic, reducing overall weight thus increasing speed and energy efficiency, and the reverse orientation propellers, allow for the best performance to be made when in reverse and carrying the caboose back to start. Overall, the AEV body was designed and constructed to highlight our initial design principles of balance, weight and aerodynamics, while still featuring a spacious body that ensures safety while still being exceptionally quick, making runs in just 50 seconds, 3 seconds below average. Not only is the AEV fast, it also energy efficient; able to make the run using only 248 joules of energy, far below other competitors. While one might believe that in order to get such superb performance from the AEV, one would have to break the bank, but that is not true. In fact, the pricing, largely due to our 3d printed body, of the AEV is very competitive, especially when taking into account the performance accuracy provided. Overall, with this AEV you get a fast and energy efficient vehicle, all while maintaining the highest standard in safety at an competitive price.