Propeller Configuration

Goal: Compare the results of utilizing the smaller, flatter propellers to the results of utilizing the larger, angled propellers.


For the propeller configuration test, a simple code was used that moved the AEV a short distance so the speed and position could be compared between the two sets of propellers.

The smaller, flat propellers.

The smaller propellers shown above were the propellers used in the initial design. The propellers were too small and not angled enough to provide enough thrust to move the AEV along the track. Data from a run with the smaller propellers can be found below. As the code ran, the speed and distance traveled remain at 0 m/s and 0 m respectively.

Sample data of run that utilized the smaller propellers.


The larger, twisted propellers.

The larger propellers shown in the picture above were then utilized and tested. These propellers were able to provide enough thrust and the vehicle moved along the track as shown in the data table below. For the remainder of the project, the larger propellers were utilized.

Sample data of run that utilized the larger propellers.