Team C engineers were tasked with optimizing their Advanced Energy Vehicle (AEV) in order to efficiently complete a task provided to them. The engineers were to make sure their AEV was able to complete the task of traversing a track which was provided to them, all while consuming the least amount of energy possible in order to make the vehicle efficient. This section of the project was split into three separate activities…
First is Design Optimization. In this activity, engineers compared two separate AEV models, and worked to conclude which model would do the best job at traversing the track while not consuming much energy.
The second activity is Code Optimization. In this activity, engineers were to compare and contrast two codes for which they could use to run their AEV efficiently with shorter time and less energy consumed.
Finally, the final activity was Energy Optimization. In this portion of the lab, engineers were to combine the model they had chosen with the code they had chosen from the previous activities, and to attempt to increase the overall energy efficiency.