Design Creation

This lab is just to design and draw new designs for future prototypes. Each team member’s designs and explanation behind each one is  labeled below.

Design A (Kaylie):

Design A was made to defy gravity and be as wind resistant as possible so that is consumes as little energy to run the vehicle as possible. This is by having wings on the AEV to add lift to the vehicle when moving, this will reduce some of the friction. The way this was accomplished was by making the vehicle light weight and shaped to be a dome like airplane with wings to catch the wind and use it for the movement of the vehicle, instead of against it.

Orthographic projection of  Kaylie’s “airplane” design

Design B (James):

Design B was focused around the concept of getting as much efficiency as possible. This was done by adding two rotating platforms on the wings under the motors so they can turn around. This was done because one side of the propellers is more efficient than the other side, and the idea behind the design is to use as little energy as possible so having the motors facing the correct way was a priority.However, this came at the cost of stability and blockage.

Orthographic projection of  James’ rotating platform design

Design C (Owen):

Design C’s goal was to try and create an AEV that was as simple as possible, while also being well balanced and stable. The “ramps” that can be seen well in the front view, bottom-right, are hollow. This was to minimize weight while also being able to take advantage of the aerodynamic advantage they provide. Meaning they allow the AEV to move through the air with less resistance.

Orthographic projection of Owen’s “ramp” design

Design D (Amy):

Design D’s main features are its unique X-shape base and the way the vehicle is positioned on the monorail. The X-shape base provides more room for other parts of the vehicle such as the battery, motor, and propellers. The entire vehicle is sideways because in theory, it being on its side will help it get through the air quicker without much resistance. The propellers were placed in such a way that it will help “lift” the vehicle when it glides along the monorail and to provide more balance and room throughout the entire set. This design was inspired by a submarine and its ability to glide through water.

Orthographic projection of Amy’s “submarine” design