Analyzing Energy

For this study, we wanted to find what factors are affecting energy consumption as the AEV runs.  To do this we first weighed the design.  Then we used a simple code to run the AEV down the track and coast to a stop.  After this, we measured the distance the vehicle traveled.  Using the data gathered from the AEV and what we measured, we were able to calculate the forces acting upon it.

After our first run, we noticed an error.  We were able to determine that this error was a miscalculation when we measured how far the AEV traveled.  To handle this error, we had to redo the test in its entirety at another time.  Once our second time our calculations were precise.  The teaching assistants were very helpful in helping us figure out our issues in this test, and helping us configure our code exactly how we needed it to be.

Speed of the AEV
Distance the AEV traveled

Based on our calculations we were able to accurately produce graphs based on the distance the vehicle traveled and the speed of the vehicle.  From these calculations, we were able to find that 35% of the force made by the propellers is counteracted by the frictional forces.  To lower this we found that the lowering the weight affected the friction the most.  Alternatively, other solutions include using different wheels with a lower coefficient of friction (Holmburg 24), using different propeller configuration, or using different propellers.  These conclusions make us realize that the best way to increase energy efficiency is to drop the weight of the AEV as much as possible.  The AEV was stripped of all non-essential parts, and only the core body remained.  This helped in many ways.  Now the motors did not have to be running as hard, because of the lighter frame.  This helped us lower our energy usage in the future trials.

Code Used:

Refer here for information on command functions.

Energy Analysis
Code Explanation
reverse(4); reverses both motors
motorSpeed(4,25); initialize speed at 25%
goFor(4); initialize time
motorSpeed(4,0); cut motor power
goFor(10); cut motor power for 10 seconds