Team Working Agreement

Ohio State Engineering

First-Year Engineering
Team-Working Agreement
Suggested Content
Team Working Agreement Term (e.g.Spring 2019) 1/19/19
Revised Date – 2/19/19
1. Group Information
Lab Section #: Thursday 1:30-2:50
Table Letter: B2
Instructor:Dr. Elsaadany
GTA: Wes Krist, Matthew Crabtree
2. Contact Information
Preferred Method(s) of Contact:Discord
Expected Response time(s):12-24 hours
Table with Name and Contact Information
Table B2
Name Contact information:
Table B2: Name Contact information: Emails:
Payne Reed 614-420-6427 Reed.1606@buckeyemail
Brandon Klailee 614-735-2252
Cameron Troesch 937-240-4168
Jacob Carey 740-802-8547
3. Team Goal
What are the team’s expectations of quality level? Top goals? Minimum acceptable goals?
The quality should be B+ to A range work. This team will be held to high standards. If we give it our all and then
we do not get the grade that we may want then that is ok. We tried our hardest. Top goals are to strive for an A,
Get everything done on time and a day before so there is time for revision.Minimum goal. Would be to just finish the AEV. Still strive for an amazing end but if we can’t get there it will be fine as long as we get it done.
Show up to every meeting.The team feels that it is fine if you can’t make it in person to a meeting, but at least get on a call with us.
4. Meetings
Frequency–How often do you plan on meeting to achieve your goals? (Do you anticipate this changing
throughout the semester?):
Two days a week, if second day is needed. This will be in the engineering room, at 1:00pm every Tuesday.
After the 8 weeks at least 3 times a week. These meetings will be held in the engineering room. On Tuesdays at 1:00pm as well as Thursdays at 1:00pm. The other day will be Monday 12:30-1:30. As well as meetings on a call will be used. These will occur on the weekend if the team needs to discuss something important. Meet prior to a presentation to discuss what can be done better.
Primary Meeting Day/Time/Location: Tuesdays/1pm/Engineering room
Secondary Meeting Days/Times/Location: Thursdays/1pm/Engineering room
Individual(s) in charge of agenda(s): Payne Reed
Individual(s) in charge of reminders(s): Brandon Klailee
Individual(s) in charge of minutes(s): Jacob Carey
5. General Team Member expectations What are team member expectations regarding attendance?:
Mandatory be there every lab day and should be there every day if you cannot make let a teammate know.
How are team members expected to behave during lab/class periods?: Listening and be on task
have ideas and be respectful of the other teammates.
How are team members expected to behave during team meetings? (What are the norms?): Talk about things
that are on topic. If there is an argument respect the other view points.
What are acceptable/unacceptable types of interaction?:
Unacceptable: Telling someone that they are wrong
and not listening to the other persons side. Physical fights. Leaving without a good reason.
Acceptable: Share your ideas, have discussions that are on topic, be prepared to discuss what we talked about before, have
questions before hand.
What are team members meant to do between classes? Lab/class preparation?:Come up with questions and ideas for the project. Be early to work on the lab writings no waiting until last minute.
How are team members meant to ensure the team stays on track?:
I feel like if one person gets side tracked we all can speak up and say we need to get back on track there can be some side banter.
How are documents expected to be shared? (e.g. Buckeye Box?): By Google docs/google slides
How many days before an assignment is due should everybody have their portion completed for review?:
Try and finish your part 1 day before the actual due date so the next day we can revise and check over our work. For presentations, have them done by a week before the date of the actual presentation so it will allow for practice time.
When should team members first notify the group if they are struggling?:
Right away talk to each other if there is an problems no one is going to judge you.
6. Individual Team Member Responsibilities/Deadlines?
What roles do team members have?: Every one is a leader. Brandon is the main programmer. Payne is the main website designer. Jacob is the main meeting minutes writer.
What tasks are team members in charge of?: Every one will work together on everything to get maximum ideas
into what each part of a project but there will be sometimes where each person will be given there own work to
complete and that must be done on time. Specifically Brandon and Cameron will be the members that work on the code and focus on making the code neat.
Brandon will also be looking over the material that we submit so that it looks tidy and ready to turn in. Payne will help with the code as well as the design part of the project. Specifically he will help wherever there is help needed. Jacob will be our hands on maker of the AEV. He will help create the device and make sure every thing is working properly on the device.
How often will these roles/task rotate?:
All the time.Each week when there is a deadline that our team will need to meet for the class. It is expected that everything that is needed to be done is finished one day before the deadline so that Brandon or Payne can look over the material. If the deadline cannot be met because of outside sources that we cannot control then the team will address the issue with the teacher. As well,that if deadline is made by the team and it is not met then our team will postpone the deadline slightly. This will be prevented as much as possible by the whole team working on their required material a few days prior to the deadline.If a singular person is unable to finish their own work by the deadline this will be addressed by the team and if it occurs multiple times then the team will go to the teacher.
7. Conflict Resolution
Once the team goals, general member expectations, and individual team member responsibilities have been
established, candid, non-threatening discussion must be held when the group or individuals are not meeting the agreed upon terms.
How will team members above be held accountable?:
It is your own grade. You will be expected to show up and do your work and do the best work you can achieve. If not others will help you and if they do most of the work then there will be consequences.
How will team members that are not meeting expectations (not contributing to the team effectively) be
We will give them 2 chances. First time we will go straight to the person not doing work. Then if they do not listen to this it will be more aggressive. Then the next time we will go to the teacher and discuss the
How will team members that are not interacting appropriately with team members be addressed?:
This will not be tolerated. Rude behavior is something that will quickly destroy a team. So, to prevent this we will take extreme actions like talking to the teacher if this occurs twice, and after the other team members have talked to the individual.
When is it okay to redefine goals, expectations, and responsibilities?:
All the time. The idea of a goal is not finite. You should always strive for that goal but it can change just based on how things in this world are not
When will UTAs, GTAs, or the instructor become involved?:
After 2 times of the team discuss with the person who is not doing their work
8. Expectations of Faculty and GTAs
If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve
9. Team Signatures