Welcome to Team B2 AEV project. Where we have made the way to the future!
Our mission is to make a model AEV that could some day be used in Ohio to help with transportation around the State. Our goal is to make the AEV as simplistic and easily transferable to a real world situation.
To you who may not know what an AEV is, it is a fully autonomous vehicle propelled by electric motors. The objective of the AEV is to transport a load from one part of a track to another, fully autonomous. Our AEV will be propelled by a drive wheel and a propeller.
If you continue into our website it will explain our process and details of the programming and the design of the AEV.
Team B’s Goal:
As a team our main goal is for the AEV to be fully functional and autonomous. However some other goals we have in mind are for there to be one propeller that will rotate so that it will propel the AEV forward and back. Another goal is to have a drive wheel for ease of stopping and less pressure on the propeller. Another goal we have in mind is to bring this to the average living citizen so that they may someday be able to ride our design once it is put into a larger scale. We want our experience to be energy conservative and for the transportation to be safe. All of these goals will be obtained by through testing and hard work on the design of the AEV.
Transportation methods are always improving and on transportation method that is similar to the AEV is the monorail. This method of transportation is very common in places like Disneyland. The monorails provide quick and easy movement between the parks so that there is little walking for you to do. When we make this AEV we want it to be another form of a monorail that is higher up in the sky so there is little blockage of the roads. This is the problem with the monorail. It is connected to the ground where as our AEV is connected to a rail suspended in the air. So if our team is able to make an AEV good enough to transfer you to and from work with ease, no traffic, then we will most certainly try. Not only will this help with traffic it will also help with accidents. Since this vehicle is fully autonomous it will need no driver and will not require you to use your car in terrible weather conditions. Keeping you more safe and getting you to work faster.