Design Optimization

In design optimization Team A worked with the two best prototype AEVs to better determine which is the most power efficient. Both designs were tested with the same code for consistency and the test consisted of moving to the gate and waiting for it to open. Once the gate opened make the AEV move through and stop, this test did not require the AEV to connect with the cargo.

Owen’s design

This design consisted of one motor on the rear of the vehicle with a rectangular base. This design functioned well and used up 58 joules to complete the task.

Kaylie’s design

This design is similar to the previous, with the base being the T shape instead of rectangular and two motors being used. However this design ended up using more power than the previous design by a small amount. This design used 82.5 joules compared to the 58 joules used by the previous. With some more small changes and consistent testing the least amount of energy used to finish this test was 51 joules.

Code used:  

Refer here for information on command functions.





Accelerate motor 1 from 0% power to 40% and maintain that speed.



Once the AEV has traveled to mark 265 stop the motor from running, and let the AEV coast to mark 323.5.



Once at 323.5 marks use the servo motor to stop the AEV.
goFor(5); Let the AEV wait at the gate for 5 seconds.



Once the gate opens accelerate motor 1 from 0% power to 37% in 2 seconds and let it run at that speed for another 4 seconds before stopping all power.