Term: Spring 2019 Created Date: 1/15/19 Revised Date: N/A
- Group Information
Lab Section #: 5552
Table Letter: A
Instructor: Mostafa Elsaadany
GTA: Matthew Crabtree & Wes Krist
- Contact Information
Preferred Method(s) of Contact: Group Chat (For general communication) and Google Hangouts (Per necessity, if preemptively agreed upon)
Expected Response time(s): 12 hrs. (Give or take a few hours if you’re working)
Name and Contact Information:
Name | Phone Number | |
Kaylie Marie Bowling | bowling.179 | (937) 360 1767 |
Owen Spencer Browning | browning.275 | (704) 477 3703 |
James Robert Green II | green.1999 | (567) 241 3080 |
Amy Ketan Kadakia | kadakia.21 | (614) 373 8900 |
- Team Goal
What are the team’s expectations of quality level? Top goals? Minimum acceptable goals?
We expect high quality: meet all expectations of rubric to strive for an A on all assignments. Minimum acceptable goal: ALWAYS turned in on time.
- Meetings
Frequency – How often do you plan on meeting to achieve your goals? (Do you anticipate this changing throughout the semester?)
Twice a week for an hour to an hour and a half each.
Primary Meeting Day/Time/Location:
Monday 12:10pm-1:30pm in Group room or MSE.
Secondary Meeting Days/Times/Location:
Wednesday 12:30pm-1:30pm in MSE room
Individual(s) in charge of agenda(s): Amy
Individual(s) in charge of reminders(s): Owen & James
Individual(s) in charge of minutes(s): Kaylie
- General Team Member expectations
What are team member expectations regarding attendance?
All members attend meeting and on time unless valid excuse is given. Regardless, it is expected that the member missing FaceTimes or google hangouts the rest of the group to still be part of the meeting unless they are faced with a family emergency or health issue.
How are team members expected to behave during lab/class periods?
They are expected to behave prudently and everyone remains on the same page/understanding of what is going on.
How are team members expected to behave during team meetings? (What are the norms?)
Come prepared, on time, stay on topic and behave prudently.
What are acceptable/unacceptable types of interaction?
Acceptable: The behaviors listed above.
Unacceptable: Racial slurs, provocative hand gestures, rudeness, any kind of lack of teamwork and communication.
What are team members meant to do between classes? Lab/class preparation?
Do assigned tasks and prepare for next meeting and lab day.
How are team members meant to ensure the team stays on track?
Progress check for each member for each meeting.
How are documents expected to be shared? (e.g. Buckeye Box?)
Through Buckeye mail/ Outlook.
How many days before an assignment is due should everybody have their portion completed for review?
Your portion must be completed by the group meeting date prior to the due date.
When should team members first notify the group if they are struggling?
- IndividualTeam Member Responsibilities/Deadlines?
What roles do team members have?
Amy: Complete agenda prior to meetings then evaluate agenda progress at the end of the meeting.
Kaylie: Stay on top of notes throughout the entire meeting and complete by the end. Notes should be stored in a place where all members have access to.
Owen: In charge of the codes written and the graphs made by the AEV.
James: Keep the website updated.
What tasks are team members in charge of?
Listed above.
How often will these roles/task rotate?
Never to avoid confusion unless one team member cannot follow through then another team member can pick up after them.
The deadlines for assignments will be done one meeting before the actual due date. We will strive to meet every deadline, and if it can’t be met, we will have to ask for an extension to finish the assignment.
- Conflict Resolution
Once the team goals, general member expectations, and individual team member responsibilities have been established, candid, non-threatening discussion must be held when the group or individuals are not meeting the agreed upon terms.
How will team members above be held accountable?
First strike: reminder.
Second strike: Group intervention
Third strike: Consult professor
How will team members that are not meeting expectations (not contributing to the team effectively) be addressed?
Verbally then as a group verbally if second strike is reached.
How will team members that are not interacting appropriately with team members be addressed?
Group members address their concerns respectfully.
When is it okay to redefine goals, expectations, and responsibilities?
If the same issue is constantly occurring and the group decides as a consensus that something needs to change then that action will take place.
When will UTAs, GTAs, or the instructor become involved?
When the third strike is reached.
- Expectations of Faculty and GTAs
If a team member fails to live up to this agreement, the situation may be reported to the staff, but the team will still be responsible for submitting a completed assignment. Staff will be available to meet with teams to resolve issues.
9. Team Reflection 2/21/19
The main schedule that Team A previously set for due dates and deadlines has worked so far for the team. The meeting times of 1 hour before class on Monday’s and Wednesday’s have really been working well with the team considering we’re all free during that time. Although, not everyone can make it on days where extra meetings are necessary, those group members take on tasks that are easily done from home. Some of the roles weren’t making things flow easily within the team, so James and Owen’s roles were changed from setting reminders to updating the website and coding/making graphs. Overall, the original Team Working Agreement has served as a good foundation for Team A.
- Team Signatures
Name Signature
Kaylie Marie Bowling ___________________X_____________________
Owen Spencer Browning ___________________X_____________________
James Robert Green II ___________________X_____________________
Amy Ketan Kadakia ___________________X______________________