Meeting 4

Fundamental Engineering Group K 1182.01 Team

Meeting Minutes Part 4

Met: Tuesday 3:00-3:30PM at Thompson Library

In Attendance:

Mitchell Hutchings

Eric Cothern

Alex Woods

Nick Schwartz


Topics Discussed:

Grant Proposal: Eric took initiative and proposed our proposal be based on the base that is in our concept sketch. He will design it on solid works on prepare the proposal with the help of Mitchell and Nick.

Committee Meetings: Mitchell proposed that two people work on the human resources committee, which will be Nick and Alex. Eric volunteered to be in the research and development committee and Mitchell will be in the Public Relations committee.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Eric will work on the grant proposal and anything to prepare for the research and development committee.
  • Mitchell will help Eric if need be as well as prepare for the Public Relations committee.
  • Alex and Nick will prepare for the human resources committee.