Sales Pitch

With the evolution of our design, our strengths included stability, time efficiency, safety, energy efficiency, and aerodynamics.


The AEV was stable because when placed on the track, there was very minimal swaying. More detailed pictures of this are shown under the Final AEV tab.

Time Efficiency:

For the final performance test for all three runs, the time it took for the AEV to complete the task was very time efficient. The first run was completed in 57 seconds, the second run was completed in 56 seconds, and the third run was completed within 57 seconds. The time allotted to complete the task was two minutes and we were well under that.


When completing this project, our team is very proud to say that our AEV is very safe. It never once fell off the track, ran into any of the gates, or swayed on the track. Along with this our group was sure to follow all safety procedures when testing the AEV on the track.

Energy Efficiency:

The AEV ran with good energy efficiency. For the final performance test, the first test used 236 joules of energy, the second run used 261 joules of energy and the third run used 264 joules of energy. Our first run was the most energy efficient run however all of the runs were considered energy efficient.


Our AEV was very aerodynamic due to the wings lifted at a 45 degree angle which increases the lift therefore increasing the aerodynamics making the AEV both energy efficient and time efficient.