Meeting 5

Fundamental Engineering Group K 1182.01 Team

Meeting Minutes Part 5

Met: Tuesday 7:00-8:00PM at Thompson Library

In Attendance:

Mitchell Hutchings

Eric Cothern

Alex Woods

Nick Schwartz


Topics Discussed:

Website Update 3: All of us decided to work on adding the new aspects of the website to it. Mitchell added an evolution of design section as well as areas for the ar and d labs. Everyone else worked on adding content to these sections to the most that we are capable.

Progress Report Redo: Mitchell looked at the comments and fixed all of the errors up to forward looking. Alex added and worked on a schedule for forward looking. Nick worked on the forward-looking section adding details to get most points back. Eric edited the Arduino codes section.

Oral Report: Split up who is doing what part. Also discussed format and what the rubric asks for.


Upcoming tasks:

Everyone: work on their specific portion of the oral report as well as update the website.