Meeting 3

Fundamental Engineering Group K 1182.01 Team

Meeting Minutes Part 3

Met: Thursday 4:00-6PM at Thompson Library

In Attendance:

Mitchell Hutchings

Eric Cothern

Alex Woods

Nick Schwartz


Topics Discussed:

Progress Report: Mitchell proposed a format for the progress report that hit each requirement on the rubric for each specific lab. Eric and Nick began working and planning the forward-thinking section while Alex worked on uploading and finish writing about our AEV concepts. The group then discussed as a hole who is doing what after they leave.

Website: Alex and Eric worked on getting everything updated on the progress report placed into the website.

Lab 5: Mitchell started and worked on the concept scoring and concept screening for the separate AEV’s designed by his group mates. He finished and submitted them to the progress report.

Upcoming tasks:

  • Finish the writing on the labs and update it on the progress report. (Mitchell)
  • Finish typing up the forward-thinking section of the progress report. (Nick and Eric)
  • Finish updating the website with the new information. (Alex)
  • Preparation for the next lab day (all of us)