Performance Test 2

The purpose of this test was to ensure that the AEV could successfully complete the tasks from the first performance test, as well as attach to the caboose, wait five seconds, and continue forward on the track.



Performance Test 2: Power vs. Time

Performance Test 2: Power vs. Distance



Performance test two was successfully completed on the group’s first attempt. The AEV successfully attached to the caboose without causing any safety concerns, and stayed in the green gate when attached. Analyzing the run it can be seen from the Performance test 2 graph, shown above that, the first part of the run, up to about 19 seconds, was almost the exact same as performance test two. After the 19 seconds the performance test two started, there can be seen an immediate drop in energy usage, of 5.44 watts . This drop in energy can be related to the use of the downhill slope of the track, that leads to the caboose. Because the track slopes downward at this part less energy is needed to propel the AEV and coasting is utilized. The large energy usage after 37 seconds, of 19.43 watts was due to the AEV having to run the motors at higher energy now carrying he caboose. In total the entire run used 223.66 watts, and the performance test two specifically used 110.99 watts of energy. The team passed this test perfectly, receiving a 20/20.
