The final performance test included everything from the previous tests, in addition to successfully passing through the gate and stopping at the loading zone with the caboose.
Final Performance Tests: Power vs. Time
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For the Final performance test three runs were tested. The Final test one, shown in blue in the Final Performance Test graph, above, had the lowest cost of the three runs. Test one used the least amount of energy only requiring 252 Joules of power, and the least amount of time requiring only 53 seconds to complete the run. Although test one ha the lowest time and energy usage it did have 4 points off for safety were it failed to stop at the gate on the way to the caboose and on the return trip. Even though the AEV did have safety violations it still had the lowest cost. Test two had the second lowest cost, but had the highest energy and time costs. The tests received scores of 36/40, 38/40, and 36/40 respectively.