We know what a scholarship, fellowship, or grant can mean for students who are counting every penny. In fact, many EHE donors, administrators, and faculty members have memories of getting financial aid just when they needed it most. With this in mind, the College of Education and Human Ecology (EHE) awards more than $1.5 million in scholarships annually to EHE students.
In the past, students have said that they did not apply for EHE Scholarships because they thought their GPA and test scores were not high enough. In EHE, we regard merit as a holistic concept that takes into account more than just GPA and test scores. Therefore, we encourage all current and prospective EHE students to apply. We have many unique scholarships for which you may qualify, and with a single application, you will be eligible for up to 300 different funding opportunities.
EHE Scholarship applications are live NOW: http://ehe.osu.edu/scholarships/apply-now/
For the 2017-2018 academic year only (this covers SU17, AU17, & SP18)
The deadlines to apply for EHE Scholarships are:
- Jan. 16, 2017 – Deadline for current graduate and undergraduate students and future graduate students at main and regional campuses.
- Feb. 13, 2017 – Deadline for future undergraduate students at main and regional campuses.
- April 3, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. for priority awarding for incoming undergraduate transfer students and May 1, 2017 at 11:59 p.m. is the final deadline for any possible consideration.
Students must complete a 2017-2018 EHE Scholarship application to be eligible for scholarships for next year.
In addition to the 2017-2018 general EHE Scholarship applications, the EHE Scholarships webpage also has applications and information for students seeking professional development/travel awards and other unique scholarships.
As a current or prospective EHE student, we hope you will take advantage of these resources. Please take a few minutes to visit us at http://ehe.osu.edu/scholarships/.
Questions? Please contact Ramsey Piazza.18@osu.edu.