Dear Graduate Student in Educational Studies,
I am writing to invite you to to participate in the proseminar class, “Graduate Student Confidential” Many of you may remember this class from your own proseminar experience and how helpful it was. I am writing to ask those of you who are a few years into your program to share what you have learned with your first-year colleagues.
The class is on Nov. 30 from 7:10-9:48 in Ramseyer 059
As the faculty instructor, I will not be present so that you all can talk with ease. JP Oehrtman, the course Graduate Teaching Assistant will be organizing and leading this class. Please reply directly to him at We would like to get a diverse group of students there from various programs and at various stages of doctoral studies pre and post-candidacy.
Please email JP and let him know if you’re interested and include:
Your full name
Your program area (e.g. HESA, EPP, ESPHE etc)
Year in the program and whether your are pre or post candidacy.
Thank you so much for considering and helping out your colleagues. Your participation is a critical component of this class.
Antoinette Errante