Author: Alisa Tate
Graduate and Professional Student Albert Schweitzer Fellowships Available
Community service-minded graduate and professional students are encouraged to apply for 2017-18 Columbus-Athens Albert Schweitzer Fellowships. Fellows partner with community organizations on year-long service projects to address social and health-related needs in Franklin and Athens counties. To learn more, attend an information session tomorrow, Tuesday, October 18, 2016 from 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. at the 18th Avenue Library’s Research Commons, Room 350. The Research Commons is located on the 3rd Floor. Mon., 11/2, 3-4 p.m. or 11/13, 1-2 p.m. in Room 385 Bricker Hall, or 11/13, 1:00-2:00 p.m., Room 385 Bricker Hall. Program information: Application deadline February 2017. information, contact Dr. Lorraine Wallace at
REMINDER Dr. Pauline Lipman on Campus 10/20-10/21 “Neoliberal Education Policy and Anti-Black State Violence”
EHE Office of Research-Dissertation Research Fellowship Applications!
Once again the EHE Office of Research will oversee the Dissertation Research Fellowship program for the 2017-2018 academic year. We wanted to get the process started early in the semester, so that applicants have sufficient time to assemble their packets.
At this time, Educational Studies will plan on nominating two (2) candidates for one (1) dissertation year fellowship.
The EHE Office of Research website already has posted the application guidelines for the Fellowship. They can be found at
Applicants will need to provide a cover letter, up to a 6-page application, letters of support from their dissertation advisor and two other faculty members, a CV, and a Graduate School advising report. The award includes a stipend as well as tuition for dissertation credit hours for Fall and Spring of 2017-2018. The advisor should comment on other sources of funding that might be necessary to complete the dissertation. The evaluation of the proposal by the advisor and the two other faculty members should focus on the demonstrated scholarship and future potential for scholarly excellence. Evidence of previous research productivity is an important consideration. Note that these awards can be held simultaneously with other external fellowships (e.g., Spencer dissertation fellowship) and are intended to support your top doctoral candidates.
The deadline for students to submit their packet to Deb Zabloudil is January 20, 2017. These should then be forwarded to the appropriate Graduate Studies chair. Please submit the documents electronically to When you view the web site, it will tell you to submit your documents to Dr. Anderman’s office. Please don’t do that. Submit them to me instead so I can take them directly to the Graduate Studies Committee for review.
Although students need not be candidates at the time of application, they must be candidates by the end of Summer Session 2017 to be eligible to receive the award. Students who have previously received the Dissertation Fellowship award are not eligible for consideration of continued support.
Call for Presentations! Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, & Disability
Call For Presentations – Save The Date
The Seventeenth Annual
Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability
Seeing Disability at School, Work & Beyond
At The Ohio State University’s Columbus Campus
- April 11, 2017 – Student Preconference – Disability & Career
- April 12, 2017 – Student Poster Competition
- April 12-13, 2017 – Main Conference 2 Plenaries & 25 Concurrent Sessions
Multiple Perspectives is an ongoing exploration of disability, a conversation including many voices and reflecting perspectives gained through experience and research; theory and practice, arts and sciences. This year’s theme, Seeing Disability continues our dialogue
Disclosure can be a personal choice or an environmental imperative this year’s them focuses on how disability is seen in the environment, the individual and their interaction. Explicit and implicit assumptions from policy and design to everyday choices drive recognition and disclosure at school, work and play. Proposals exploring these choices and their consequences will be given preference in the review process. Following our tradition below are two quotes to help you think broadly about this year’s theme as you prepare your proposal. A little different this year the second quote is the opening verse of a song, links to the full lyrics and a recording are provided.
“Disability doesn’t make you exceptional, but questioning what you think you know about it does.”
Stella Young
“I went for a jog in the city air
I met a woman in a wheelchair
I said ‘I’m sorry to see you’re handicapped.’
She says ‘What makes you think a thing like that?’”
Talking Wheelchair Blues by Fred Small Lyrics ( Recording ( T
Preference will be given to proposals that reflect this year’s theme; encourage discussions across the typical social, political, and disciplinary boundaries; connect individuals to local, national or international communities; or consider parallels, distinctions and intersections with race, gender and ethnicity. This year in particular graduate and undergraduate presenters a sought for a strand of sessions focused on student interests and concerns.
This free full day preconference will focus on students with disabilities who are or will soon be graduating and seeking full time employment. Providing information, resources, and networking opportunities sessions will include: building a resume; conducting a job search; disability disclosure; requesting accommodations; and rights and responsibilities of employees and employers under the ADA. The full day conference will include opportunities for students to network with employers during lunch and participate in resume review and mock interview sessions. A strand of sessions throughout the conference will be focused on student interests and concerns is planned.
Past programs and conference updates as they become available can be found at:
To be on the mailing list for the conference, send e-mail to
The Multiple Perspectives Conference is hosted by Ohio State University’s ADA Coordinator’s Office is made possible thanks to the generosity of the Ethel Louise Armstrong Endowment Fund and ongoing support from The Ohio State University.
Proposal Deadline: International Day of Persons with Disabilities (December 3, 2016)
Proposals should be submitted by e-mail as an attachment (Word, TXT, or RTF formats) to with MP2017 and your name in the subject line
Proposals must include:
- Name of each presenter with titles, institutions, employers etc. as appropriate
- Contact information (phone, mailing address, and e-mail) if there is more than one presenter please indicate one individual as the contact and lead presenter.
- Title of Presentation (9 words or less)
- Short Description 20- 35 words.
- Description (700 words or less) Please describe the content, focus and desired outcomes for the presentation using these questions as a guide.
- What is the format of the presentation (Lecture, Panel, Discussion, Performance, Other)?
- Who is the intended audience (educators, employers, businesses, advocates, students, consumers, researchers, or other)?
- How familiar should the audience be with the topic (beginner, intermediate, advanced)?
- What are your three main goals for the presentation?
Please Note: The full conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for presenters of accepted proposals. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging.
Questions contact L. Scott Lissner at
Please share with your students:
At the Seventeenth Annual
Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion & Disability:
April 12, 2017
Held on The Ohio State University’s Columbus Campus
Poster Submissions are due no later than March 15, 2017
The Multiple Perspectives Conference encourages students to network with professionals, the community, and scholars who share their interests in disability at its annual student poster reception. A generous gift from the Ethel Louise Armstrong Foundation will fund awards (Graduate Research – $500; Undergraduate Research $200, Art & Performance $200, Community Service $100, and Class Projects $200 at this year’s competition.
Submissions may focus on any aspect of disability and may be based on:
- Independent & Supervised Student Research
- Art & Performance
- Class Projects & Papers (Award goes to department to support future projects)
- Community Service & Applied Problem Solving from Service Learning Classes or student organizations (Award goes to organization/department to support future projects)
Posters can take a variety of forms including print material mounted on poster board or display panels or arranged on a table; PowerPoint presentations, web pages or video presentations from your laptop…
- Presentation materials must fit on a 3’x6’ table or along 6’ or less of wall space
- Presentation materials should present the information in 10 minutes or less
- Presenters or their designee must be present to interact with the audience
- Presenters must provide their own equipment
Visit these sites for tips on developing a poster presentation:
Students and teams of students who wish to present a poster must send the following information to no later than March 15, 2017
- Title
- Short Title – 9 word maximum
- Poster Format (Print, Model, PowerPoint, Video, …)
- Description of their proposed poster topic – 250 word maximum
- E-mail address, phone number, and surface mail address of coordinating presenter
- As appropriate, university, department, grant, course or student organization affiliation
- A letter of support from a faculty member or organization advisor associated with the project
- Name of individual, Department or Organization to receive cash award should the project win.
Early submissions are encouraged. Submissions will be reviewed as they arrive. Conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for all accepted presenters.
Please Note:
The full conference fees will be waived and lunch provided for presenters of accepted proposals. Presenters are responsible for their own travel and lodging.
Call for Proposals! Queer Places, Practices, and Lives III DUE 12/16!
Queer Places, Practices, and Lives III
The Ohio State University
Columbus, OH
May 12-13, 2017
Confirmed keynote speakers:
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, Mel Chen
We invite proposals for the third queer studies conference at The Ohio State University. Following on the successes of the previous “Queer Places, Practices, and Lives” conferences—the first held in honor of former Buckeye Samuel Steward, who donated funds to further research in LGBTQ studies—we seek proposals on any topic related to the field. Scholars, faculty, staff, graduate students, undergraduate students, artists, activists, teachers, social workers, community members, and anyone else interested in discussing LGBTQ issues are encouraged to submit. We welcome individual submissions as well as panels and roundtables of three to four participants. Although the call is open to all topics, we hope to highlight, in part through the keynote speakers, current work being pursued on queer and trans relations, trans justice, and trans and intersex issues.
Send a 300-word abstract, 2-page CV, and, if appropriate, a brief panel or roundtable description to Please include 3 keywords with your submission.
Deadline: Dec. 16, 2016.
Direct inquiries to Joe Ponce
For information and continuing conference updates, visit
Miss Major Griffin-Gracy is a formerly incarcerated Black transgender elder and activist who has been fighting for the rights of trans women of color for over 40 years. She is a veteran of the Stonewall Rebellion and a survivor of Attica State Prison, a former sex worker, and a community leader and human rights activist. Miss Major is simply “Mama” to many in her community. Her personal story and activism for transgender civil rights intersects with LGBT struggles for justice and equality from the 1960s to today. At the center of her activism is her fierce advocacy for her girls, trans women of color who have survived police brutality and incarceration in men’s jails and prisons.
As part of Miss Major’s keynote, we are proud to screen MAJOR!, the new documentary film exploring her life and campaigns. MAJOR! is more than just a biographical documentary. It’s an investigation into critical issues of how the Prison Industrial Complex represents a widespread and systematic civil rights violation, as well as a historical portrait of diverse LGBT communities, told with love and humor, and personalized through the lens of a vibrant and charismatic woman. Through first-person narration and innovative visual storytelling, MAJOR! seeks to create a living, breathing history of a community’s struggle and resilience, as seen and experienced by those who lived it. The documentary, produced by filmmakers Annalise Ophelian and StormMiguel Florez, continues to win awards and to be featured at film festivals across the US and internationally.
Mel Y. Chen is Associate Professor of Gender & Women’s Studies at UC-Berkeley and Director of the Center for the Study of Sexual Culture. Their research and teaching interests include queer and gender theory, animal studies, critical race theory and Asian American studies, disability studies, science studies, and critical linguistics. Dr. Chen’s 2012 book, Animacies: Biopolitics, Racial Mattering, and Queer Affect (Duke University Press, winner of Alan Bray Award from Modern Language Association’s GL/Q Caucus), explores questions of racialization, queering, disability, and affective economies in animate and inanimate “life” through the extended concept of “animacy.” A second book project concerns the relationships among the conceptual territories of “toxicity” and “intoxication” and their involvement in histories of the shared interanimation of race and disability.
EHE DICE Critical Scholars of Color Lunchtime Discussion on 10/25
The EHE Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement (DICE) is sponsoring a Critical Scholars Research Discussion and Lunch on October 25th, 2016 from 12-1:45pm. We will feature Drs. Arash Daneshzadeh (San Francisco), Ashley Woodson (Pittsburgh), and Cheryl Matias (Denver). They will share aspects of their research, discuss their professional and personal trajectories, and answer questions. Please indicate below if you are interested in attending this informal session and joining us for what will be a lively lunchtime discussion. Note: They will also share more detailed aspects of their research during our open evening lecture/session beginning at 4:30pm.
Lunchtime sign-up:
We look forward to seeing you there!
EHE Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement
College of Education & Human Ecology
163 Arps Hall | 1945 N High Street Columbus, OH 43210
Office: 614-292-1936
Call For Proposals! EHE Student Research Forum
Call for Proposals
2017 Student Research Forum
Ohio Union
February 24, 2017 — 8:30am to 2:45pm
The EHE Student Research Forum highlights the research efforts of undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Education and Human Ecology. Students can present their research either in an oral presentation format or by creating and displaying a poster.
Apply to present at or go to
General Submission Guidelines
The deadline for proposal submission is Midnight on Sunday, October 30, 2016. All applicants will be notified via email by December 16, 2016 on the outcome of their submission. Questions may be directed to Rebecca Chacko at
Each student can only be the primary presenter on one oral presentation and one poster presentation. Each presentation needs to cover different research studies or different aspects of the same study and requires a separate proposal application. In the case of multiple presenters, a maximum of three individuals is allowed, including the primary presenter. The primary presenter will submit a single application on behalf of the entire group. The primary presenter will need the following information for all presenters:
- Presenter Name (first and last)
- Presenter OSU email (
- Department and program
- Advisor name (first and last)
- Advisor OSU email (
- Number of previous times presenting at EHE Student Research Forum.
Priority will be given to those presentations that describe completed research.
Presenters are expected to spend the entire day at event (just as at any other conference). Lunch will be served.
Proposal Submission Format and Content
1. Title: The project title should be no more than 20 words long (shorter is better).
2. Program Booklet Description: 350 characters maximum (approximately 50 words).
3. Presentation Type: Oral Presentation or Poster
4. Research Type: Priority will be given to Type 1: Completed Research Studies. Types 3, 4 and Type 5 are presented via Poster only.
Research Type | Proposal Content Requirements | Oral Presentations? | Posters? |
Type 1: Completed research study | –context and purpose –objectives/research questions –methods used –major findings/outcomes –broader implications of your work |
Yes — 15 minutes and 5 minutes of discussion | Yes |
Type 2: In progress research study | –context and purpose –objectives/research questions –methods used –preliminary findings and outcomes |
Yes — 10 minute presentation with 10 minutes of feedback | Yes |
Type 3: Proposed study | –context and purpose –objectives/research questions –proposed methods –three questions for attendees to provide feedback on |
No | Yes |
Type 4: Literature review | –research question or problem –how you organized the literature that was reviewed (findings, ideas or themes) and the relationships you found –why and how the study will contribute to existing knowledge |
No | Yes |
Type 5: Instrument validation | –purpose of instrument –intended population or audience –what is measured –reliability and validity discussion |
No | Yes |
- Proposal: The purpose of the proposal is to provide a concise and informative summary of your project. The required content for the proposal is described in the above Presentation Type table. This is the content that will be used for the review process. In the online application, you will be asked to fill in a separate field that corresponds to each of the proposal requirements. The content of your proposal should fit the research and scholarly traditions of your field, but keep in mind that people outside your field will be reading and evaluating your abstract. Avoid technical jargon.You will be sent an e-mail confirmation upon receipt of your application. If you do not receive an e-mail confirmation, please email Rebecca Chacko at
Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the survey
Or copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser:
Conference Presentation Requiring Travel? Apply for an award from the Council of Graduate Students!!
Ray Travel Award for Service and Scholarship
Funding Period 3 Deadline: November 1, 2016.
Conference dates must begin on/ between: January 1, 2017 – March 31, 2017
See our webpage for information:
Career Development Grant
The Career Development Grant awards up to $350 for professional development (non-research activities).
Funding Period 3 Deadline: November 1, 2016.
Conference dates must begin on/ between: January 1, 2017 – March 31, 2017
See our webpage for information:
NOTE: Apply by the application deadline if you are hoping to present at a conference that falls within an application period’s dates, even if you have not yet received word regarding your conference submission.
Big Ten Academic Alliance and the Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Opportunity
The Big Ten Academic Alliance and the Smithsonian Institution will offer a joint fellowship program. This is the sixth year of the competition. Applications are due 11:59 pm EST on December 1, 2016.
The award provides one-year pre-doctoral fellowships to support research in residence at Smithsonian Institution facilities in association with members of its research staff. To be eligible to apply, students must have completed all course work for their programs, and must have been admitted into doctoral candidacy and satisfied all requirements except completion of the dissertation.
All fields of study that are actively pursued by the museums and research organizations of the Smithsonian Institution are eligible. The online guide, Smithsonian Opportunities for Research and Study (, outlines Smithsonian research activities and lists the research staff. Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact staff members to discuss their proposed research and its feasibility at the Smithsonian.
Please visit the Smithsonian website at: for all the particulars and pertinent links.
Best Regards,
Theresa R. Hazelwood, MSW, LISW-S
Director of Fellowship Services
The Graduate School
250 University Hall, 230 North Oval Mall, Columbus, OH 43210