2024 DUNF Online Link is Open

DUNF On-Line Form: Short Link: https://go.osu.edu/defidunf
DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORMS are required for all animals exhibiting at the Fair (except dogs).
  • DUNF’s will be completed on-line.
  • Member must complete a DUNF for each animal you are bringing to fair (except dogs).
  • Because DUNF’s are about certifying your animal is drug free as of August 16th, the form must be completed at least one hour before your animal is weighed-in at the fair.
• Ear Tags: Breeding animals and poultry that do not have an ear tag/tattoo will put NA in ear tag space.
• Missing Tag: Please wait to complete DUNF form until a new tag is inserted.

Manure Waste vs. Trash at Fair


We need your help: NO TRASH in Manure Dumpsters

  • The Senior Fairboard contracts with a hauler to take the manure waste directly to a farm field.
  • When there is trash (feed bags, food trash, and whatever) the manure hauler has to stop and dig out the trash. The manure hauler gets upset, the farmer gets really upset with non manure waste in his field and the Senior Fairboard gets really, really upset because they have to pay extra for non manure waste and the time it takes for the manure hauler to clean it up.
  • Non manure waste (broken lawn chairs, leftover food from camper, tent awnings, etc) DO NOT go in the manure dumpsters – especially the last day of fair


Werlor Waste roll-off containers will be placed at the following locations:

  • Cattle Barn – by livestock office, door is open, please take waste unto the dumpster and drop in the back.
  • Horse & Sheep Barns: Put waste outside of dumpster in marked spots. Senior Fairboard will load and put into trailers.
  • Goat Barns: Please put waste in 1st cement bunker SW of Goat Barn
  • Rabbit/Poultry: Please put waste in the marked Wherlor containers with lid. Keep lid closed.




Livestock Weigh-In at Fair

Weigh-In Procedures:

  1. Weigh Slips for market animals will be available at check-in.
  2. Please complete weigh slips prior to taking animal to the scale.
  3. Determine where your animals are going prior to weigh-in.
  4. Complete on-line DUNF survey PRIOR to weigh in. Link will be activated Aug 14th and available on the Defiance County 4-H App.

Destination Options

Livestock Sale Ring:

  • Animal is going through the livestock sale on Friday. One trip through sale ring/exhibitor. Exception: Champion animals.
  • Feeder calves are now considered a two year project and can go through the livestock sale for a premium only and then go home. Please check on weigh slip “Return Project/Premium Sale Only.

Direct to Packer:

  • Animal not going through sale ring. Animal not going home
  • Feeder Calves NOT going home and NOT going through the Livestock Sale Ring should check Direct

Feeder Calf Auction:

  • Feeder Calf that has checked direct will automatically be entered into the Feeder Calf Auction


  • Exhibitor plans on having animal butchered at a local processor. Please list processor. Must have made an appointment. Check with processor to see if transportation is provided.
  • SWINE: Swine going through the sale ring CAN NOT go home w member for custom slaughter unless they purchase animal in sale ring. This has always been the guideline.


Animal Check In At Fair & DUNF

 Animal Check-In at Fair:

  • Livestock check in is Friday, August 16, 2024
  • 9:00 am – 11:00 am OR    4:00 pm – 7:00 pm
  • Please enter at the main gate by the Grandstand. Do not drop off animals and leave. You MUST check in with a Barn Supervisor.

Pen assignments for all Junior Fair exhibits will be made by Barn Superintendent. Any changes in these pen assignments without prior approval of the Barn Superintendent will result in forfeiture of premium and the exhibitor not being permitted to show in the current year with that project.

Drug Use Notification Forms (DUNF)

DRUG USE NOTIFICATION FORMS are required for all animals exhibiting at the Fair (except dogs).

  1. DUNF’s will be completed on-line BEFORE moving in your animals.
  2. Member must complete a DUNF for each animal bringing to fair (except dogs). Because DUNF’s are about certifying your animal is drug free as of August 16, the form will not go live until Wednesday, August 14. The form must be completed at least one hour before your animal is weighed-in at the fair.
  3. An email with link will be sent on August 14. The link will also be available through the 4HNow app.
  4. Ear Tags: Breeding animals and poultry that do not have an ear tag/tattoo will put NA in ear tag space.

Cattle, Goat and Horse Trailers:

  • Trailers (cattle, goat or horse) are not permitted to park anywhere near a livestock barn, horse barn, rabbit barn, goat barn, etc.
  • ALL trailers must be moved after unloading and park in the designated area (East end) of the general parking lot by the Grandstand.
  • Horse exhibitors permitted to store tack in the tie stalls in the Draft Horse barn.


Decorated Animal Contest at Fair

The exhibitor does not need to own the animal exhibited  (as long as owner gave permission). Registration forms are available at the Junior Fairboard Office.

Tuesday, August 20th

6:00 pm – Strausbaugh Show Arena Registration begins at 5:30 pm

  1. Exhibitor must provide a 200 word or less commentary that will be read as the exhibitor parades in the arena.
  2. Costumes: Anything goes as long as it doesn’t interfere with the movement of animal or harm the animal. Exhibitor must also be in costume.
  3. Exhibitor may participate with ONE animal only.
  4. Youth must be able to lead or carry the animal into the arena. Youth must provide animal. Animal must be a current Jr. Fair animal.

Classes & Awards
Classes may be combined or changed at the discretion of committee. Awards will be given by age division, not by species of animals. All participants will receive a participation ribbon.

Cloverbud: Ages 4-7
Junior: Ages 8-12
Senior: Ages 13-19


2024 Still Project Results

Congratulations to our 4-H Members

2024 Results List 


  • State Fair Delegates will need to contact the Extension Office to let us know if you plan on going to the Ohio State Fair and make arrangements to pick up your packets.
  • Members may view project specific information for the Ohio State Fair at:  https://ohio4h.org/nonlivestockguidebook
  • State Fair Project Judging Schedule: Click here


Livestock Clinics 2024

Rabbit Showmanship Clinic
Thurs., July 25 at 7:00 pm
Extension Office
Single Fryer Tattooing 6 – 7:30 pm
May bring your rabbit to practice


Poultry Showmanship Clinic
Thurs., July 25 at 7:00 pm
Extension Office
Pullorum Testing 6 – 7:30 pm
May bring your poultry project to practice


Defiance Co 4-H Goat Clinic
Thurs., August 8, 2024
7:00 pm at Fairgrounds – Strausbaugh Arena

Members may bring their goat if they feel they need help with showmanship


  • What should I be doing at home with my goat?
  • Getting ready for the fair.
  • What happens at the fair.
  • Show day
  • Show ring
  • After the show
  • Rest of fair week
  • Livestock Sale
  • Cleaning pens and going home




Livestock Record Books


The Defiance County Livestock Committee is requiring “Supplemental Pages” for skillathon. Use one set of pages/species

  • Ohio State Fair:  Exhibitors are required to take a current/completed Ohio 4-H project record book.


  • Skillaton is Monday, July 8th, 2024 from 5:00 – 7:00 pm
  • TWO STATIONS: Parts and Meat Cuts or Conformation
  • Click on page in left column for study guides
  • Request (Defiance Co, Ohio only) a Skillathon Study CD: click here  
  • Contact your 4-H Club Advisor for the NEW 2024 password

4-H Still Project Judging – July 9

4-H Still Project Judging
July 9,2024 at Defiance K of C Hall

4-H Interview Grade Guidelines

Judges will be using the following guidelines when determining project grades.  Please keep this in mind as you prepare your project for judging.

  • Member will receive an “A” if they meet all the project requirements.
  • Member will receive a “B” if they meet only some of the requirements and/or forget project books.
  • Member will receive a “C” if they do not meet any of the requirements.

Project Note: Member projects cannot be a school or home school project.  A reminder that 4-H projects must be different than projects which have received a grade at school.  A member may not use a Science Fair project, Family Consumer Sciences project, Art project, etc. for a  4-H project.

Benefits of/Reasons for Interview Judging

  1. The educational 4-H project experience and the keeping of accurate, up-to-date records.
  2. Gains interview skills and builds self esteem and poise.
  3. Provides the opportunity to share what has been learned.
  4. Provides members with feedback on their projects.
  5. Provides balance for knowledge gained regardless of the features of the finished product.

Interview Judging Guidelines

  1. Interview judging of all projects is required for 4-H members; those not participating will be automatically graded incomplete.
  2. Members must bring their completed project book and records to judging.
  3. Members must complete all project requirements as outlined in the Defiance County 4-H Handbook.
  4. Consideration in judging will be given for member’s age, number of years in the same project or project area and any handicaps or learning disabilities.

Tips for 4-H Judging

  1. Be well groomed. Don’t chew gum.
  2. Use good posture. Sit and stand straight and tall.
  3. Be polite and use your best manners.
  4. Be prepared by talking about your project. Know what you did, how you did it, what you learned and what you might do differently the next time.
  5. When answering the judge’s questions, speak clearly and loudly enough for the judge to hear your answers.
  6. During your interview, look directly at the judge. Give him/her your full attention.  Don’t be distracted by other people or noises around you.
  7. Thank the judge when the interview is finished. Remember, the real purpose of judging is sharing and learning.
  8. Be pleasant and confident. Smile and be enthusiastic!
  9. Be proud of your accomplishments!! You worked hard to earn them.