We need your help: NO TRASH in Manure Dumpsters
- The Senior Fairboard contracts with a hauler to take the manure waste directly to a farm field.
- When there is trash (feed bags, food trash, and whatever) the manure hauler has to stop and dig out the trash. The manure hauler gets upset, the farmer gets really upset with non manure waste in his field and the Senior Fairboard gets really, really upset because they have to pay extra for non manure waste and the time it takes for the manure hauler to clean it up.
- Non manure waste (broken lawn chairs, leftover food from camper, tent awnings, etc) DO NOT go in the manure dumpsters – especially the last day of fair
Werlor Waste roll-off containers will be placed at the following locations:
Cattle Barn – by livestock office, door is open, please take waste unto the dumpster and drop in the back.
Horse & Sheep Barns: Put waste outside of dumpster in marked spots. Senior Fairboard will load and put into trailers.
Goat Barns: Please put waste in 1st cement bunker SW of Goat Barn
Rabbit/Poultry: Please put waste in the marked Wherlor containers with lid. Keep lid closed.