We currently have 32 youth/adults who have signed up to be in this special livestock show in 2024.
We only have 16 mentors signed up. We need more volunteers.

BLUE RIBBON CLASSIC – Animal and Me Program

Animal & Me Livestock Show
August 21, 2024 @ 4:30 pm
Main Show Arena

The 2nd Annual Blue-Ribbon Classic (Animal & Me Show) will be held on Wed., Aug 21, 2024 in the main show arena.   This heart-warming event provides an opportunity for individuals with special needs to experience what it’s like to exhibit an animal at the fair. Participants will work with Jr. Fair Exhibitors (that’s you!) and your animal to participate in a special livestock show to share what they have learned. The animal options include: goats, sheep, rabbits and feeder calves. We will also need volunteers to help day of show.

Currently, we are looking for Jr. Fair exhibitors to serve as mentors for this experience. Preferences will be given to mentors who are in the 6th grade and up and have taken their livestock animal for at least 2 years. Your role as mentor will be to work with the special needs individual and teach them about how to care for your animal, as well as how to safely and properly show your animal at the fair. We know that your time is valuable, but we are expecting that you are able to meet with your Animal & Me partner at the dates listed below to ensure the most positive experience for all involved.

 Important 2024 Animal & Me Dates

  • Mentor/Mentee Meeting:     Thurs., August 1, 2024 @ 6;00 pm @ Fairgrounds Main Show Arena
  • Animal and Me Event:          Wed.,   August 21, 2024 @ 4:30 pm @ Main Show Arena, Meet mentee at 4:00 pm

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