Our Staff

[ Our Principal Investigator ]

Dr. Vladimir Sloutsky, PhD

[ Our Lab Managers ]

Michaela Miller, Laboratory Manager (miller.9171@osu.edu)

Anzhelika Parenchuk, Lab Manager (parenchuk.1@osu.edu)

Madison Meares, Research Coordinator (meares.7@osu.edu)

[ Our Research Team ]


Qihui Xu, Post doctoral researcher


Robert Ralston, Post doctoral researcher

Mengcun Gao, Graduate student

Qianqian Wan, Graduate student




Jiangmeng Wang, Graduate student

Grace Liao, Graduate student

[ Our External Collaborators ]

Dr. Layla Unger, PhD, External Collaborator


Dr. Olivera Savic, PhD,  External Collaborator

[ Alumni ]

Dr. Layla Unger

Post-Doctoral Researcher 2017-2024 – Now Assistant Professor, University of York

Dr. Olivera Savic

Post-Doctoral Researcher 2015-2023 – Now Marie Curie Fellow at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language

Sophie Ireton

Lab Manager 2021-2022 – Now medical student at Ohio University HCOM

Alexandria Barkhimer

Lab Manager 2019 – 2021 – Now Doctoral student at University of Illinois

Orla Putnam

Lab Manager 2018-2020 – Now Doctoral student at University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

Tasha Posid

Post-Doctoral Researcher 2018 – Now Education Specialist at the Wexner Medical Center

Tracey Miser

Masters Student 2016 – Now Reference Assistant at the Coshocton Public Library

Kevin Darby

Graduate Student -2017 – Now Post-Doctoral Researcher at University of Virginia

Allison O’Leary

Graduate Student -2017 – Now Assistant Professor of Psychology at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Saebyul Lee

Graduate Student -2017 – Now Post-Doctoral Researcher at Korea Brain Research Institute

Keith Apfelbaum

Post-Doctoral Researcher 2016 – Now Adjunct Professor at University of Iowa

Daniel Plebanek

Masters Student 2017 – Now PhD Candidate at Indiana University, Bloomington

Sam Rivera

Post-Doctoral Researcher -2016 – Now Research Engineer at Matrix Research

Sophia Deng

Graduate Student -2016- Now Assistant Professor at the University of Macau

Hyungwook Yim

Graduate Student -2015 – Now Post-Doctoral Researcher Fellow at University of Melbourne

Aaron W. Rader

Aaron S. Yarlas 

Anna Fisher – Associate Professor at Caregie Mellon University

Anne K Morris 

Professor in the School of Education at University of Delaware

Bradley J. Morris

Associate Professor of Educational Psychology at Kent State University

Catherine Best

Professor of Developmental Psychology at Kutztown University

Chris Robinson

Assistant Professor of Psychology at The Ohio State University

Heidi Kloos

Associate Professor at University of Cincinnati

Jennifer Kaminski

Assistant Professor at Wright State University

Julie Hupp

Associate Professor & Psychology Area Coordinator at The Ohio State University Newark

Xin Yao

Ya-Fen Lo

Assistant Professor of Child & Family Studies at California State University, LA

[ Past Lab Managers ]

Allison Granger 

Sophie Ireton

Alexandria Barkhimer

Orla Putnam

Tracey Miser

Priya (Patel) Hall

Naomi Polinsky

Emily Neer

Megan Bonawitz

Alicia Scimeca