Here are downloadable data sets from surveys conducted between 1990 and 2024 under the auspices of the Comparative National Elections Project. Researchers may use these data sets free of charge, but we ask that you fill out the user information form on the Datasets landing page before downloading them.
The [CountryName/Year].Fin files contain all of the variables included in the original survey, as well as CNEP common-core items that have been harmonized to facilitate cross-national comparison and analysis. Variables with an A through N prefix in these data sets are CNEP core items. Other variables (identified with a .Z suffix following the variable name) may be specific to the country or to a particular election. The Party and Leader Codes presents the names of the parties and candidates for each survey that are otherwise given generic names in the data set. Tech Info presents pertinent details of each survey. The Core Questionnaire is the current (2024) version of the questionnaire. It will not necessarily present the wording of items that we have dropped from the Core over the past three decades. For that information, users are directed to the PDF of the original questionnaire for each survey. The Merged data file (Merge65) includes only standardized CNEP common-core items from these 65 surveys.