Ohio 4-H Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp Information:
Dates: April 19-21, 2024 (arrival on Friday night will be approx. 7 PM and departure on Sunday will be approx. 11:30 AM, subject to change based on programming opportunities)
Location: Canter’s Cave in Jackson County, Ohio
What is it: Ohio 4-H Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp is offered through partnerships of OSU Extension, the Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources, and Hocking College. This camp offers youth the opportunity to learn about Forestry & Wildlife careers, Forest Ecology, Wildlife Conservation, and other Environmental Science topics through hands-on experiences and real-life experiments. Participants will also have the opportunity to try some traditional 4-H camping sessions including hiking, outdoor cooking, shooting sports, campfire, and more!
Who can go: Teens currently in Grades 7-11 are welcome to attend!
Cost: $115 per camper
For more information, visit Ohio 4-H Forestry & Wildlife Conservation Camp