Good afternoon 4-H Families!
It is that time of the year again! Time to re-enroll for the 2019-2020 4-H year! Re-enrollment started on October 1st and the deadline is April 1st! Clubs who are going for Honor Club must have it done my March 2nd!
All members who plan on participating in 4-H need to re-enroll online. This is for Cloverbuds and for older members.
If you are NOT planning on participating next year or have problems getting into your account, please email me at or call the office at 937-498-7239.
4-HOnline Enrollment – Steps to Enroll/Re-Enroll:
New Members/Families:
All new members need to go to this site and print out this form, fill it out, and then turn into their advisor.
Members/Families who are re-enrolling and are new to this process please go to:
Members/Families who are re-enrolling and have used the program already, please go to:
4HOnline for Club Advisors Guides to Enrollment: