Bring the World Home through Ohio 4-H!

Bring the World Home through Ohio 4-H!

Looking for some new fun and educational excitement this summer? How about hosting a boy or girl from Japan in your home for 3? weeks? (July 24 – Aug. 18) The Ohio 4-H International Program is offering hosting opportunities to 75 families around the state, and Japanese youth on the other side of the world are anxiously waiting to learn who their new family might be! Host families should have their own child aged 10-15 who will serve as the main host sibling. Families will be matched with a Japanese youth of the same gender and approximate age. Special trips and activities are not required. The focus is on everyday family life. Host families provide lodging, meals, and any family activities. Medical insurance is provided. Youth bring money for personal spending (gifts, souvenirs, etc.) For more information, please visit Ohio 4-H International<> or contact Mary Lynn Thalheimer at<mailto:thalheimer.1> or 614-247-8162.




[The Ohio State University]

Mary Lynn Thalheimer

Ohio 4-H International Program Director

Ohio State University Extension | 4-H Youth Development

2201 Fred Taylor Dr., Columbus, OH 43210

Phone: 614-247-8162 | Fax: 614-292-5937<> |

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